=== One-Pager Genesis Child Theme ===
Theme demo: http://one-pager-genesis.wpdemos.co/
Blog Post: https://sridharkatakam.com/announcing-one-pager-one-page-parallax-website-child-theme-genesis/
=== Installation Instructions ===
- Upload the one-pager theme folder via FTP to your wp-content/themes/ directory. (The Genesis parent theme needs to be in the wp-content/themes/ directory as well)
- Go to your WordPress dashboard and select Appearance.
- Activate the One-Pager for Genesis theme.
- Visit https://sridharkatakam.com/announcing-one-pager-a-one-page-parallax-website-child-theme-for-genesis/ for details.
=== Theme Support ===
Post any issues or questions at https://github.com/srikat/one-pager-genesis/issues. No guaranteed support though.