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Merge pull request #43 from srid/pandoc-render-as-splice
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Render Pandoc in Heist Splice monad
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srid authored May 29, 2021
2 parents 444b4a3 + 2c97cc6 commit b51d50e
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Showing 2 changed files with 138 additions and 115 deletions.
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -66,12 +66,13 @@ Before tests (tasks impacting the larger architectural context in code base),
- [ ] Link embedding: support `![[]]` of Obsidian?
- Consider designing this in the larger context of Pandoc splice with customizable rendering
- Including wiki-links (thus supplanting rewriteLinks)
- Including queries (see below)
- Also consider non-Obsidian formats, `![[program.hs:2-13]]
- [ ] Queries and results embed
- [ ] neuron UpTree?
- ixset + path finding traversal
- rendering design: where to place? esp. in relation to sidebar?
- [ ] Custom route slugs
- [ ] Custom route slugs
- [ ] Directory routes (allow `$dir.html` even if `$` doesn't exist)
- Display children inline?
- [ ] Finally, **tests**!
Expand All @@ -81,6 +82,7 @@ Before tests (tasks impacting the larger architectural context in code base),
To triage,

- [ ] fsnotify: reliably handle directory renames/ moves
- Straightforward to do using unionMount's OverlayFs?
- If nothing, restart mount on such events.
- [ ] apply prismJS on live server refresh?
- Hack on `<script class="ema-rerun">`?
Expand Down
249 changes: 135 additions & 114 deletions src/Heist/Extra/Splices/Pandoc.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,13 +9,9 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Ema.Helper.Markdown as Markdown
import qualified Heist as H
import qualified Heist.Interpreted as HI
import Text.Blaze.Html5 ((!))
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5 as H
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes as A
import qualified Text.Blaze.Renderer.XmlHtml as RX
import qualified Text.Pandoc.Builder as B
import Text.Pandoc.Definition (Pandoc (..))
import qualified Text.XmlHtml as XmlHtml
import qualified Text.XmlHtml as X

pandocSplice :: Monad n => Pandoc -> HI.Splice n
pandocSplice = pandocSpliceWithCustomClass mempty
Expand All @@ -31,7 +27,7 @@ pandocSpliceWithCustomClass ::
pandocSpliceWithCustomClass classMap doc = do
node <- H.getParamNode
let ctx = RenderCtx (blockLookupAttr node) (inlineLookupAttr node) classMap
pure $ RX.renderHtmlNodes $ renderPandocWith ctx doc
renderPandocWith ctx doc

data RenderCtx = RenderCtx
{ bAttr :: B.Block -> B.Attr,
Expand All @@ -44,7 +40,7 @@ rewriteClass RenderCtx {..} (id', cls, attr) =
let cls' = maybe cls T.words $ Map.lookup (T.intercalate " " cls) classMap
in (id', cls', attr)

blockLookupAttr :: XmlHtml.Node -> B.Block -> B.Attr
blockLookupAttr :: X.Node -> B.Block -> B.Attr
blockLookupAttr node = \case
B.Para {} -> childTagAttr node "Para"
B.BulletList {} -> childTagAttr node "BulletList"
Expand All @@ -53,178 +49,198 @@ blockLookupAttr node = \case
B.BlockQuote {} -> childTagAttr node "BlockQuote"
B.Header level _ _ ->
fromMaybe B.nullAttr $ do
header <- XmlHtml.childElementTag "Header" node
header <- X.childElementTag "Header" node
pure $ childTagAttr header ("h" <> show level)
_ -> B.nullAttr

inlineLookupAttr :: XmlHtml.Node -> B.Inline -> B.Attr
inlineLookupAttr :: X.Node -> B.Inline -> B.Attr
inlineLookupAttr node = \case
B.Code {} -> childTagAttr node "Code"
B.Note _ ->
childTagAttr node "Note"
B.Link _ _ (url, _) ->
fromMaybe B.nullAttr $ do
link <- XmlHtml.childElementTag "PandocLink" node
link <- X.childElementTag "PandocLink" node
let innerTag = if "://" `T.isInfixOf` url then "External" else "Internal"
pure $ attrFromNode link `addAttr` childTagAttr link innerTag
_ -> B.nullAttr

childTagAttr :: XmlHtml.Node -> Text -> B.Attr
childTagAttr :: X.Node -> Text -> B.Attr
childTagAttr x name =
maybe B.nullAttr attrFromNode $ XmlHtml.childElementTag name x
maybe B.nullAttr attrFromNode $ X.childElementTag name x

attrFromNode :: XmlHtml.Node -> B.Attr
attrFromNode :: X.Node -> B.Attr
attrFromNode node =
let mClass = maybe mempty T.words $ XmlHtml.getAttribute "class" node
id' = fromMaybe "" $ XmlHtml.getAttribute "id" node
attrs = filter ((/= "class") . fst) $ XmlHtml.elementAttrs node
let mClass = maybe mempty T.words $ X.getAttribute "class" node
id' = fromMaybe "" $ X.getAttribute "id" node
attrs = filter ((/= "class") . fst) $ X.elementAttrs node
in (id', mClass, attrs)

renderPandocWith :: RenderCtx -> Pandoc -> H.Html
renderPandocWith :: Monad n => RenderCtx -> Pandoc -> HI.Splice n
renderPandocWith ctx (Pandoc _meta blocks) =
mapM_ (rpBlock ctx) blocks
foldMapM (rpBlock ctx) blocks

rpBlock :: RenderCtx -> B.Block -> H.Html
rpBlock :: Monad n => RenderCtx -> B.Block -> HI.Splice n
rpBlock ctx@RenderCtx {..} b = case b of
B.Plain is ->
mapM_ (rpInline ctx) is
foldMapM (rpInline ctx) is
B.Para is ->
H.p ! rpAttr (bAttr b) $ mapM_ (rpInline ctx) is
one . X.Element "p" (rpAttr $ bAttr b) <$> foldMapM (rpInline ctx) is
B.LineBlock iss ->
forM_ iss $ \is ->
mapM_ (rpInline ctx) is >> "\n"
B.CodeBlock (id', classes, attrs) s ->
flip foldMapM iss $ \is ->
foldMapM (rpInline ctx) is >> pure [X.TextNode "\n"]
B.CodeBlock (id', classes, attrs) s -> do
-- PrismJS friendly classes
let classes' = flip concatMap classes $ \cls -> [cls, "language-" <> cls]
in H.div ! rpAttr (bAttr b) $
H.pre ! rpAttr (id', classes', attrs) $
H.code ! rpAttr ("", classes', []) $ H.text s
pure $
one . X.Element "div" (rpAttr $ bAttr b) $
one . X.Element "pre" (rpAttr (id', classes', attrs)) $
one . X.Element "code" (rpAttr ("", classes', [])) $
one $ X.TextNode s
B.RawBlock (B.Format fmt) s -> do
case fmt of
pure $ case fmt of
"html" ->
H.unsafeByteString $ encodeUtf8 s
rawNode "div" s
"video" ->
-- HACK format. TODO: replace with ![[foo.mp4]] ! A.autoplay "" ! A.loop "" ! H.customAttribute "muted" "" $ do
H.source ! A.src (H.toValue $ T.strip s)
H.p $ do
"Your browser doesn't support HTML5 video. Here is a "
H.a ! A.href (H.toValue $ T.strip s) $ "link to the video"
" instead."
one . X.Element "video" [("autoplay", ""), ("loop", ""), ("muted", "")] $
one . X.Element "source" [("src", T.strip s)] $
one . X.Element "p" mempty $
[ X.TextNode "Your browser doesn't support HTML5 video. Here is a ",
X.Element "a" [("href", T.strip s)] $
one . X.TextNode $ "link to the video",
X.TextNode " instead."
_ ->
H.pre ! A.class_ ("pandoc-raw-" <> show fmt) $ H.text s
one . X.Element "pre" [("class", "pandoc-raw-" <> show fmt)] $ one . X.TextNode $ s
B.BlockQuote bs ->
H.blockquote ! rpAttr (bAttr b) $ mapM_ (rpBlock ctx) bs
one . X.Element "blockquote" (rpAttr $bAttr b) <$> foldMapM (rpBlock ctx) bs
B.OrderedList _ bss ->
H.ol ! rpAttr (bAttr b) $
forM_ bss $ \bs -> $ mapM_ (rpBlock ctx) bs
fmap (one . X.Element "ol" (rpAttr $ bAttr b)) $
flip foldMapM bss $
fmap (one . X.Element "li" mempty) . foldMapM (rpBlock ctx)
B.BulletList bss ->
H.ul ! rpAttr (bAttr b) $
forM_ bss $ \bs -> $ mapM_ (rpBlock ctx) bs
fmap (one . X.Element "ul" (rpAttr $ bAttr b)) $
flip foldMapM bss $
fmap (one . X.Element "li" mempty) . foldMapM (rpBlock ctx)
B.DefinitionList defs ->
H.dl $
forM_ defs $ \(term, descList) -> do
mapM_ (rpInline ctx) term
forM_ descList $ \desc ->
H.dd $ mapM_ (rpBlock ctx) desc
fmap (one . X.Element "dl" mempty) $
flip foldMapM defs $ \(term, descList) -> do
a <- foldMapM (rpInline ctx) term
as <-
flip foldMapM descList $
fmap (one . X.Element "dd" mempty) . foldMapM (rpBlock ctx)
pure $ a <> as
B.Header level attr is ->
headerElem level ! rpAttr (addAttr attr $ bAttr b) $ mapM_ (rpInline ctx) is
one . X.Element (headerTag level) (rpAttr $ addAttr attr $ bAttr b)
<$> foldMapM (rpInline ctx) is
B.HorizontalRule ->
B.Table attr _captions _colSpec (B.TableHead _ hrows) tbodys _tfoot ->
pure $ one $ X.Element "hr" mempty mempty
B.Table attr _captions _colSpec (B.TableHead _ hrows) tbodys _tfoot -> do
-- TODO: Apply captions, colSpec, etc.
H.table ! rpAttr attr $ do
H.thead $ do
forM_ hrows $ \(B.Row _ cells) -> $
forM_ cells $ \(B.Cell _ _ _ _ blks) -> $ rpBlock ctx `mapM_` blks
H.tbody $ do
forM_ tbodys $ \(B.TableBody _ _ _ rows) ->
forM_ rows $ \(B.Row _ cells) -> $
forM_ cells $ \(B.Cell _ _ _ _ blks) -> $ rpBlock ctx `mapM_` blks
fmap (one . X.Element "table" (rpAttr attr)) $ do
thead <- fmap (one . X.Element "thead" mempty) $
flip foldMapM hrows $ \(B.Row _ cells) ->
fmap (one . X.Element "tr" mempty) $
flip foldMapM cells $ \(B.Cell _ _ _ _ blks) ->
one . X.Element "th" mempty <$> foldMapM (rpBlock ctx) blks
tbody <- fmap (one . X.Element "tbody" mempty) $
flip foldMapM tbodys $ \(B.TableBody _ _ _ rows) ->
flip foldMapM rows $ \(B.Row _ cells) ->
fmap (one . X.Element "tr" mempty) $
flip foldMapM cells $ \(B.Cell _ _ _ _ blks) ->
one . X.Element "td" mempty <$> foldMapM (rpBlock ctx) blks
pure $ thead <> tbody
B.Div attr bs ->
H.div ! rpAttr (rewriteClass ctx attr) $ mapM_ (rpBlock ctx) bs
one . X.Element "div" (rpAttr $ rewriteClass ctx attr)
<$> foldMapM (rpBlock ctx) bs
B.Null ->
pure ()

headerElem :: Int -> H.Html -> H.Html
headerElem = \case
1 -> H.h1
2 -> H.h2
3 -> H.h3
4 -> H.h4
5 -> H.h5
6 -> H.h6
_ -> error "Invalid pandoc header level"

rpInline :: RenderCtx -> B.Inline -> H.Html
pure []

headerTag :: HasCallStack => Int -> Text
headerTag n =
if n >= 1 && n <= 6
then "h" <> show n
else error "Invalid pandoc header level"

rpInline :: Monad n => RenderCtx -> B.Inline -> HI.Splice n
rpInline ctx@RenderCtx {..} i = case i of
B.Str s -> H.toHtml s
B.Str s ->
pure $ one . X.TextNode $ s
B.Emph is ->
H.em $ mapM_ (rpInline ctx) is
one . X.Element "em" mempty <$> foldMapM (rpInline ctx) is
B.Strong is ->
H.strong $ mapM_ (rpInline ctx) is
one . X.Element "strong" mempty <$> foldMapM (rpInline ctx) is
B.Underline is ->
H.u $ mapM_ (rpInline ctx) is
one . X.Element "u" mempty <$> foldMapM (rpInline ctx) is
B.Strikeout is ->
H.del $ mapM_ (rpInline ctx) is
one . X.Element "s" mempty <$> foldMapM (rpInline ctx) is
B.Superscript is ->
H.sup $ mapM_ (rpInline ctx) is
one . X.Element "sup" mempty <$> foldMapM (rpInline ctx) is
B.Subscript is ->
H.sub $ mapM_ (rpInline ctx) is
one . X.Element "sub" mempty <$> foldMapM (rpInline ctx) is
B.Quoted qt is ->
flip inQuotes qt $ mapM_ (rpInline ctx) is
flip inQuotes qt $ foldMapM (rpInline ctx) is
B.Code attr s ->
H.code ! rpAttr (addAttr attr $ iAttr i) $ H.toHtml s
B.Space -> " "
B.SoftBreak -> " "
B.LineBreak ->
pure $
one . X.Element "code" (rpAttr $ addAttr attr $ iAttr i) $
one . X.TextNode $ s
B.Space -> pure $ one . X.TextNode $ " "
B.SoftBreak -> pure $ one . X.TextNode $ " "
B.LineBreak ->
pure $ one $ X.Element "br" mempty mempty
B.RawInline (B.Format fmt) s ->
if fmt == "html"
then H.unsafeByteString $ encodeUtf8 s
else H.pre ! A.class_ ("pandoc-raw-" <> show fmt) $ H.toHtml s
then pure $ rawNode "span" s
pure $
one . X.Element "pre" [("class", "pandoc-raw-" <> show fmt)] $
one . X.TextNode $ s
B.Math mathType s ->
case mathType of
B.InlineMath ->
H.span ! A.class_ "math inline" $ H.text $ "\\(" <> s <> "\\)"
pure $
one . X.Element "span" [("class", "math inline")] $
one . X.TextNode $ "\\(" <> s <> "\\)"
B.DisplayMath ->
H.span ! A.class_ "math display" $ do
H.text s
pure $
one . X.Element "span" [("class", "math display")] $
one . X.TextNode $ "$$" <> s <> "$$"
B.Link attr is (url, tit) -> do
! A.href (H.textValue url)
! A.title (H.textValue tit)
! rpAttr (addAttr attr $ iAttr i)
$ mapM_ (rpInline ctx) is
B.Image attr is (url, tit) ->
H.img ! A.src (H.textValue url) ! A.title (H.textValue tit) ! A.alt (H.textValue $ Markdown.plainify is) ! rpAttr attr
let attrs = [("href", url), ("title", tit)] <> rpAttr (addAttr attr $ iAttr i)
one . X.Element "a" attrs <$> foldMapM (rpInline ctx) is
B.Image attr is (url, tit) -> do
let attrs = [("src", url), ("title", tit), ("alt", Markdown.plainify is)] <> rpAttr attr
pure $ one . X.Element "img" attrs $ mempty
B.Note bs -> do
-- TODO: Style this properly to be Tufte like. Maybe integrate
H.sup ! "margin-left: 3px;" $ "note"
H.div ! rpAttr (iAttr i) $ mapM_ (rpBlock ctx) bs
noteBody <- foldMapM (rpBlock ctx) bs
[ X.Element "sup" [("style", "margin-left: 3px;")] $ one . X.TextNode $ "node",
X.Element "div" (rpAttr $ iAttr i) noteBody
B.Span attr is ->
H.span ! rpAttr (rewriteClass ctx attr) $ mapM_ (rpInline ctx) is
one . X.Element "span" (rpAttr $ rewriteClass ctx attr) <$> foldMapM (rpInline ctx) is
x ->
H.pre $ H.toHtml $ show @Text x
-- TODO: Implement these
pure $ one . X.Element "pre" mempty $ one . X.TextNode $ show x
inQuotes :: H.Html -> B.QuoteType -> H.Html
inQuotes :: Monad n => HI.Splice n -> B.QuoteType -> HI.Splice n
inQuotes w = \case
B.SingleQuote -> "" >> w <* ""
B.DoubleQuote -> "" >> w <* ""
B.SingleQuote ->
w <&> \nodes ->
[X.TextNode ""] <> nodes <> [X.TextNode ""]
B.DoubleQuote ->
w <&> \nodes ->
[X.TextNode ""] <> nodes <> [X.TextNode ""]

rpAttr :: B.Attr -> H.Attribute
-- | Convert Pandoc attributes to XmlHtml attributes
rpAttr :: B.Attr -> [(Text, Text)]
rpAttr (id', classes, attrs) =
let cls = T.intercalate " " classes
in unlessNull id' ( (fromString . toString $ id'))
<> unlessNull cls (A.class_ (fromString . toString $ cls))
<> mconcat (fmap (\(k, v) -> H.customAttribute (fromString . toString $ k) (fromString . toString $ v)) attrs)
in unlessNull id' [("id", id')]
<> unlessNull cls [("class", cls)]
<> mconcat (fmap (\(k, v) -> [(k, v)]) attrs)
unlessNull x f =
if T.null x then mempty else f
Expand All @@ -236,3 +252,8 @@ addAttr (id1, cls1, attr1) (id2, cls2, attr2) =
pickNonNull x "" = x
pickNonNull "" x = x
pickNonNull _ _ = ""

rawNode :: Text -> Text -> [X.Node]
rawNode wrapperTag s =
one . X.Element wrapperTag (one ("xmlhtmlRaw", "")) $
one . X.TextNode $ s

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