Java based irrigation controller that ties in weather station data to make intelligent decisions on whether or not to water your garden.
Multiple controller support (at the same time)
Multiple weather station support (at the same time)
Custom scheduling times
Interactive shell to provide real-time control and information
Weather threshold suppression including:
- x # days to look ahead for chance of rain
- x # days to look back for previous rain
- wind speed
- max/min temperatures
Extreme temperature irrigation multiplier:
- Temperature to trigger at - X # of days to look ahead for trigger - Amount to multiply irrigation by if triggered
EtherRain8 -
WeatherUnderground Personal Weather Station (PWS) -
Make sure you have Java 1.6 or newer installed.
Download jirrigate:
Create configuration file: (see below section "Configuration")
Run jirrigate: java -jar jirrigate-1.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar --config /path/to/jirrigate.config
$ java -jar jirrigate-1.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar --config jirrigate.config Jirrigate v1.1 Copyright (C) 2014 Ben Steele This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; type 'show license' for details. Processing configuration file... Done! jirrigate> show controller all info Controller Type IP Port Username Password # Zones Garage ETHERRAIN8 80 admin pass 7 jirrigate> show controller Garage status Controller Status Currently Irrigating Active # Irrigations Next Irrigation Due Garage Device is ready false true 9 17/12/2013 23:00 jirrigate> show controller Garage zones Name Id Duration Front Garden (central) 1 10m Front Garden (east) 2 8m Front Garden (west) 3 10m Back Garden (central) 4 10m Back Garden (south) 5 10m Back Garden (garden bed) 6 10m Pagola 7 6m jirrigate> show weatherstation Roof info Station Type Active # Records Oldest Record Newest Record Roof WUNDERGROUND true 74 17/12/2013 14:35 18/12/2013 09:05 jirrigate> show weatherstation Roof status Station: Roof Record: Last Updated on December 18, 10:05 AM CST Current Temp (C): 35.2 Max Temp (C): 35.2 Min Temp (C): 11.9 Current Temp (F): 95.4 Max Temp (F): 95.4 Min Temp (F): 53.4 Avg 7-day Temp (C): 17.16 Avg 7-day Temp (F): 62.88 Today's Rainfall (mm): 0.0 Today's Rainfall (in): 0.0 Last 7-day Rainfall (mm): 0.0 Last 7-day Rainfall (in): 0.0 Humidity (%): 15.0 Current Wind (kph): 6.1 Current Wind (mph): 3.8 PoP 1-day (%): 0 PoP 3-day (%): 50 PoP 7-day (%): 70 jirrigate> help Available commands are: activate controller EtherRain8 Garage activate weatherstation Roof deactivate controller EtherRain8 Garage deactivate weatherstation Roof show controller Garage info show controller Garage results last show controller Garage status show controller Garage zones show controller all info show controller all status show license show version show weatherstation Roof info show weatherstation Roof status start irrigation all stop irrigation all test controller Garage zone Back Garden (central) duration test controller Garage zone Back Garden (garden bed) duration test controller Garage zone Back Garden (south) duration test controller Garage zone Front Garden (central) duration test controller Garage zone Front Garden (east) duration test controller Garage zone Front Garden (west) duration test controller Garage zone Pagola duration LOG OUTPUT EXAMPLES: -------------------- 2013-12-17 14:54:08,590 INFO - Irrigator v1.0 started 2013-12-17 14:54:08,811 INFO - Next irrigation due at 17/12/2013 23:00 2013-12-17 23:00:10,110 INFO - It's time to irrigate! 2013-12-17 23:00:10,111 INFO - Threshold exceeded: next 7 days PoP 50% greater than threshold of 40% 2013-12-17 23:00:10,111 INFO - Irrigation cancelled due to threshold being exceeded 2013-12-17 23:16:33,498 INFO - Garage starting irrigation request: Zone(s): (Front Garden (central),10m) (Front Garden (east),8m) (Front Garden (west),10m) (Back Garden (central),10m) (Back Garden (south),10m) (Back Garden (garden bed),10m) (Pagola,6m) Total duration: 64m 2013-12-18 00:21:28,528 INFO - Irrigation Result: Start: 17/12/2013 23:16 End: 18/12/2013 00:21 Duration: 64m Zones: Back Garden (south),Front Garden (east),Back Garden (garden bed),Pagola,Front Garden (west),Front Garden (central),Back Garden (central), Result: SUCCESS Command Sent: Message: INFO: Irrigation completed with no issues
The configuration file can contain the following fields, see sample.config for a sample.
X means a numeric value, generally starting at 1 and incrementing as required (i.e. controller3 would indicate your third controller configuration).
logging_directory - The path to the directory to write the jirrigate.log file.
controllerX_name - Friendly name.
controllerX_ip - IP address.
controllerX_port - Port to connect to.
controllerX_username - Login Username.
controllerX_password - Login Password.
controllerX_type - Type of this controller, i.e. EtherRain8.
controllerX_zoneX_name - Friendly name.
controllerX_zoneX_id - ID of this zone on the controller.
controllerX_zoneX_duration - How long to irrigate this zone, accepts s/m/h delimiters.
watering_days - Days to irrigate, i.e. monday,wednesday,saturday.
watering_start_time - Time to start irrigation in 24-hour format i.e. 23:30 for 11:30pm.
Weather Stations
weatherstationX_name - Friendly name.
weatherstationX_type - Type i.e. wunderground.
weatherstationX_staionid - Station specific ID i.e. AUSOUTH123
weatherstationX_api - API key
weather_threshold_rain_days_to_look_ahead - # of days in advance to use for rain thresholds
weather_threshold_rain_days_to_look_back - # of days in past to use for rain thresholds
weather_threshold_total_rain_amount - Total rain from weather_threshold_rain_days_to_look_ahead, accepts mm/in.
weather_threshold_current_rain_amount - Amount of rain from today, accepts mm/in.
weather_threshold_pop - Chance of rain over the weather_threshold_rain_days_to_look_ahead period.
weather_threshold_wind_speed - Current wind speed, accepts kph/mph.
weather_threshold_min_temp - Current temperature low cut off, accepts C/F.
weather_threshold_max_temp - Current temperature high cut off, accepts C/F.
weather_multiplier_max_temp - Temperature to trigger multiplier, accepts C/F.
weather_multiplier_value - Amount to multiply irrigation by, ie 1.5 for 50%.
weather_multiplier_days_to_look_ahead - Number of days to look ahead in weather forecast for trigger.