Replication Package - Automated Polyglot Security Smell Detection in Infrastructure as Code (ASE 2022)
This repository describes how to obtain and use the replication package for the paper "GLITCH: Automated Polyglot Security Smell Detection in Infrastructure as Code", accepted at ASE 2022.
The artifact includes the datasets for Ansible, Chef and Puppet containing 196,755 IaC scripts and 12,281,251 LOC that were used in the paper "GLITCH: Automated Polyglot Security Smell Detection in Infrastructure as Code". It includes the code for the tool GLITCH with the version used for the experiments in the paper. It also includes the code for the dependency puppetparser used by GLITCH. Finally, instructions to replicate the experiments in the paper are also provided in the artifact.
To obtain the replication package you should download it by accessing the link:
When the download is concluded, you should have the file glitch-latest.tar
(1.7GB, SHA1 3d97ad9c3e39feb42a0ba065049aba907002b185, MD5 d9de60550dc558ad227ab14ceef64654).
The downloaded tar file is a Docker image that should be loaded with Docker to be used. To obtain more instructions on how to install and use the replication package please read the file.