A responsive React image zoom component for desktop and mobile.
Supports hover intnet, long-press gesture, and fade transitions.
npm install --save react-image-magnify
import { ReactImageMagnifyTouch } from 'react-image-magnify';
<ReactImageMagnifyTouch {...{
smallImage: {
alt: 'Wristwatch by Ted Baker London',
isFluidWidth: true,
src: watchImg1200,
srcSet: [
`${watchImg355} 355w`,
`${watchImg481} 481w`,
`${watchImg584} 584w`,
`${watchImg687} 687w`,
`${watchImg770} 770w`,
`${watchImg861} 861w`,
`${watchImg955} 955w`,
`${watchImg1033} 1033w`,
`${watchImg1112} 1112w`,
`${watchImg1192} 1192w`,
`${watchImg1200} 1200w`,
].join(', ');,
sizes: '(min-width: 480px) 30vw, 80vw'
largeImage: {
alt: '',
src: watchImg1200,
width: 1200,
height: 1800
}} />
See more usage examples in the example project.
If you would like more information on responsive images, please try these resources:
Prop | Type | Required | Default | Description |
smallImage |
Object | Yes | Small image information. See Small Image below. | |
largeImage |
Object | Yes | Large image information. See Large Image below. | |
className |
String | No | CSS class applied to root container element. | |
style |
Object | No | Style applied to root container element. | |
fadeDurationInMs |
Number | No | 300 | Milliseconds duration of magnified image fade in/fade out. |
imageClassName |
String | No | CSS class applied to small image element. | |
imageStyle |
Object | No | Style applied to small image element. | |
enlargedImageContainerClassName |
String | No | CSS class applied to enlarged image container element. | |
enlargedImageContainerStyle |
Object | No | Style applied to enlarged image container element. | |
enlargedImageClassName |
String | No | CSS class applied to enlarged image element. | |
enlargedImageStyle |
Object | No | Style applied to enlarged image element. |
Prop | Type | Required | Default | Description |
hoverDelayInMs |
Number | No | 250 | Milliseconds to delay hover trigger. |
hoverOffDelayInMs |
Number | No | 150 | Milliseconds to delay hover-off trigger. |
lensStyle |
Object | No | Style applied to tinted lens. | |
enlargedImagePosition |
String | No | beside | Enlarged image position. Can be 'beside' or 'over'. |
Prop | Type | Required | Default | Description |
isActivatedOnTouch |
Boolean | No | false | Activate magnification immediately on touch. May impact scrolling. |
pressDuration |
Number | No | 500 | Milliseconds to delay long-press activation (long touch). |
pressMoveThreshold |
Number | No | 5 | Pixels of movement allowed during long-press activation. |
enlargedImagePosition |
String | No | over | Enlarged image position. Can be 'beside' or 'over'. |
alt: String,
isFluidWidth: Boolean, (default false)
src: String, (required)
srcSet: String,
sizes: String,
width: Number, (required if isFluidWidth is not set)
height: Number (required if isFluidWidth is not set)
alt: String,
src: String, (required)
srcSet: String,
sizes: String,
width: Number, (required)
height: Number (required)
Please open an issue.
git clone https://github.com/ethanselzer/react-image-magnify.git
cd react-image-magnify/example
npm install
npm start
If your default browser does not start automatically, open a new browser window and go to localhost:3000
Navigate to /touch/fluid or /pointer/fluid for fluid width examples. Navigate to /touch for fixed width.
git clone https://github.com/ethanselzer/react-image-magnify.git
cd react-image-magnify
npm install
npm run #See available commands
The Example Project may be used in development of react-image-magnify. At this time, the command npm run prepublsih
must be run from the root of the project each time you want your changes to be reflected in the example.
If you experience ReferenceError: Unknown plugin "'transform-es2015-modules-umd'"
when running prepublish
you may try running prepublish-cjs
Please contribute using Github Flow. Create a branch, add commits, and open a pull request.