...under development
anonymous discussions for college students
Sign up with your university email and join a thriving community dedicated to your school. In this anonymous space, students and teachers can freely vent frustrations, share experiences, and seek advice on anything university-related, from academics to campus life. Discover the power of anonymity and connect with your peers like never before.
- typescript (language)
- react-native/expo (frontend)
- jotai (state)
- font-awesome (icons)
- nodejs (backend)
- mongodb (database)
- socket.io (glue)
- login/signup ui
- home ui
- navbar
- profile view left pane
- college view right pane
- main discussion view
- backend
- user validation system (login/signup)
- handling new/existing Takes
- handling likes/dislikes
- optimise posting/interacting with takes (study new techniques)
- bug: OTP mails not working (service defect)
- loader/skeleton view ui
- create new take ui