API procedure on LOCAL DEV enirvonment:
Step 1. Drop database:
- dropdb postgres
- Note: first stop all DB service connections
Step 2. Create database:
- createdb -U postgres postgres
- Note: first start the DB server
Step 3. Create tables (user, user_events, temp_table):
- php artisan migrate --path=database/migrations/2021_04_30_084401_create_tables.php
- php artisan migrate --path=database/migrations/2021_05_02_113342_create_temp_table.php
Step 4. Import CSV data (with PostGres):
- psql postgres
- \COPY temp_table ("userFirstname", "userSurname", "userEmail", "eventDate", "eventType", "eventMessage") from 'database/seeders/sample_data.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;
- exit
Step 5. Run SQL:
- psql -h -d postgres -U postgres -f ./database/seeders/import.sql
- psql -h -d postgres -U postgres -f ./database/seeders/manipulate.sql
Step 6. Set tables:
- php artisan migrate --path=database/migrations/2021_05_02_233014_set_tables.php
Step 7. Run Laravel
- php artisan serve
Step 8. Run PHP tests
- php artisan test --testsuite=Feature
Step 9. Test endpoints (with Postman client)
- List users [GET:]
- Delete users [DELETE:$id]
- Get users events [GET:]
- Get users event count grouped by event type [GET:]
API procedure with DOCKER:
Step 1. Install docker on your system
Step 2. Build your own container from Docker-file:
- docker build -t php-api-dev . -f ./docker-files/Dockerfile.dev
- Flags:
- -t: tag of image (php-api-dev)
- .: current DIR
- -f: docker file name ./location of dockerfile
Note: re-build every time you make changes to a Dockerfile
Step 3. Create Docker network:
- docker network create php-api-network
- Note: this will link the 2 containers together via a network
- Note: there are current issues with networking config, needs diagnosing
- Note: remember to add these flags to your Docker run commands: --network="php-api-network"
Step 4. Run containers
- Postgres: docker run -p 5432:5432 -it -e POSTGRES_DB=postgres -e POSTGRES_USER=postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres --network="php-api-network" postgres:12.6
- PHP container: docker run -it -p 8000:8000 -v $PWD:/php-api-run --network="php-api-network" php-api-dev
- Flags:
- -it: interactive terminal (places your into terminal session of the container once run)
- -p: port mapping (host:container)
- -v: volume mount DIR on local into container
- $PWD: is the DIR of the code, make sure you're in the right place
- php-api-dev: tag of image
- Note: type 'exit' to leave container in terminal
- Note: remember to delete unused images & containers after running, otherwise they take up huge memory on system
Notes 1: Data import
- Assumption: CSV is used to create a new database not add to existing database
- Using migrations/seeds may not be the best method if this is the case (but used them anyways)
- Key issue: migrations creates blank tables, seeds inserts existing data (whereas we need to do both simultaneously) to get the data to match up, hence why I used a raw SQL file to manipulate the data post-import
Notes 2: Docker
- Not using Docker Mounted Volumes, nor persistent states (for simplicity, but can be future task)
- Currently the 2 containers are netoworked but aren't connecting (needs more diagnosing)
- Future task: create a Bash file to include Docker install + Dockerfile, which will run non-interactively on a fresh VM
Notes 3: API
- API endpoints don't use any authentication or store (future task)
Notes 4: Database
- date fields need to be formatted correctly for better (future task)
- however all the ID's columns are correctly relationship mapped (between the 2 tables: user + events) including primary + foreign keys to maintain integrity on record creation & deletion accross tables