Custom made Standard cell Library for skywater 130nm PDK
Description of the original Standard Cell library for Skywater 130 can be found here
Note : Work Under Progress
- xnor2_1x
- xnor3_1x
- xor2_1x
- xor3_1x
- maj3
- a41oi
- o311ai
- o31ai
- o32ai
- o41ai
The following schematic diagrams are obtained using LTSpice.
Pre-layout simulation is done using NGspice - an open source SPICE tool for circuit simulation and analysis
Nmos model : sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8
Pmos model : sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8
- Run the following command to clone the skywater130 MOS models in your local machine
git clone
- Copy the file path of sky130_fd_pr and include the file path in the SPICE file using the following command
Ex :
.include "<filepath>/sky130_fd_pr/models/r+c/res_typical__cap_typical__lin.spice" .include "<filepath>/sky130_fd_pr/models/r+c/res_typical__cap_typical.spice" .include "<filepath>/sky130_fd_pr/models/corners/tt.spice"
.include "O:/sky130_fd_pr/models/r+c/res_typical__cap_typical__lin.spice" .include "O:/sky130_fd_pr/models/r+c/res_typical__cap_typical.spice" .include "O:/sky130_fd_pr/models/corners/tt.spice"
Netlists for the pre-layout simulation of standard cells can be found under the Pre-layout-Simulation folder. After cloning, the repository the netlists can be run in ngspice using the following commands
- cd
<file location>
- ngspice
- source
- run
- plot v(Y) v(<input_nodes>)
Later Stages
Later Stages
Characterization is done using this tool. The tool takes in the Netlist and different input parameters like Logic Function, input slew, output capacitance, Vdd, Time period of operation, input and output nodes through an excel file with the same name as the SPICE netlist. The tool then runs the Timing Characterization algorithm to obtain the different values like rise_delay, fall_delay, rise_transition, fall_transition. The outputs are stored in an excel format. The Cells are being Characterised for the following input values for sample.
Vdd = 1.8 V
T = 20 ns
Input Slew : 0.06, 0.18, 0.42, 0.6, 1.2 ns
Output Capacitance : 0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.3, 0.6 pf
The complete Description of the tool can be found here
- Timing characteristics : rise_delay, fall_delay, rise_transition, fall_transition related to input pin.
Status : Complete
Results for xor2_1x.cir
- Power characteristics : rise_power, fall_power related to input pin and leakage power .
Status : Work Under Progress