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@go-chef @autotag-dev

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April White opsnlops
How do you pronounce "opsnlops?" It's easy! It's "ops 'n lops!" Two of my favorite things in one! 😍

@mongodb Whidbey Island, WA

Pantheon pantheon-systems
The WebOps platform where marketers and developers drive results

San Francisco, CA

Nick Stielau nstielau
Containers. Linux. Container Linux.

Red Hat San Francisco

joe miller joemiller
infra/eng/sre, go/python/ruby/bash/k8s @planetscale #CrashLoopNeverBackoff

@planetscale san francisco, ca

Ranjib Dey ranjib
Father, programmer, maker and admirer of all things living. I love OpenSource software, hardware & all things automation

Uber San Francisco Bay Area

Brandon Philips philips
Formerly: CTO @coreos, SUSE Linux, Rackspace Monitoring, and OSU Open Source Lab.

Oregon, USA

Brian Grant bgrant0607
Original lead architect of Kubernetes and creator of its declarative configuration model: KRM, kubectl apply, kustomize.
David Strauss davidstrauss
Affiliations: Pantheon, Drupal, systemd

Pantheon San Francisco, CA

Tim Hockin thockin

Google United States

Dan Luu danluu Vancouver, BC

Blake Caldwell wblakecaldwell
Backend systems developer

Kentik Pennsylvania, USA

Tim Pope tpope
Vim plugin artist

Brooklyn, NY

Coda Hale codahale
A real person.

Fort Collins, CO

Will Salt willejs
I was committing from


Brad Fitzpatrick bradfitz
LiveJournal, memcached, OpenID, @golang team (2010-2020). Currently making WireGuard & weird network tricks easier and more magical @tailscale.

Tailscale Seattle

Joseph Anthony Pasquale Holsten josephholsten
@sous-chefs founder, journeyman human being

Burlington, WA, 98233

Armon Dadgar armon

HashiCorp San Francisco, CA

AJ Christensen fujin

Rotorua, New Zealand

Mark Crossfield mrmanc
Java dev at Auto Trader who writes too much awk for his own good and delivers training to other developers. Built @hidden-manchester. Pronouns: he/him

@autotraderuk Manchester, UK

Boogie Shafer boogieshafer

Dubious, Inc. Menlo Park, CA

Julian C. Dunn juliandunn
Senior director of product management at @chainguard-dev

Chainguard Portland, OR

Alex Trull atrullmdsol

Ex Medidata Solutions

Anthony Scalisi scalp42
Cloud @ 🍏

Apple San Francisco

Dennis Watson denimboy

Craigslist San Francisco

Jeff Hodges jmhodges

Darkish Green San Francisco

Erik Hollensbe erikh
無爲 - Principal at the Scarlett School, promoting technical education for all. I haven't had much time for other projects lately; sorry!

the internet

Edward Muller freeformz
Staff @fastly - Formerly @SalesForce/@heroku, @engineyard, Interlix, Geekerz, @learningpatterns & UBS (Via PaineWebber)

Fastly PDX Area, OR

Ian Bicking ianb
Software developer, lapsed open source developer

Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

Hyunsun Moon hyunsun

Intel California, US