How to link fetch requests with their results in bundled calls #417
Consider 5 web pages that need to be enhanced with 5 images from these Wikipedia articles:
wikiArticles = [
'Richard P. Feynman',
'Thor Heyerdahl',
'Interstellar travel',
Then fetch all of these asynchronously:
var [page] = await Promise.all([
//wtf.fetch(wikiArticle, wikiLang, { 'Api-User-Agent': wikiUserAgentMail, }).then((doc) => doc.summary()),
.fetch(wikiArticles, wikiLang, { 'Api-User-Agent': wikiUserAgentMail })
.then(docList => {
return, i) => {
return {
requestArticle: wikiArticles[i],
title: doc.title(),
firstImage: doc.image(0).url(),
As you see we use requestArticle to track which request fetched which image.
The problem is that the returned list of fetches is in a different order, e.g.
- Interstellar travel
- Religion
- Richard Feynman
- Thor Heyerdahl
- Cosmology
Matching the original article name with doc.title() would not be a solution because of redirects (e.g. Richard P. Feynman correctly fetches the redirected page Richard Feynman).
Any ideas how to solve this in a safe way?
NB Due to this, and #414 and #416 we are more and more inclined to abandon the bundling and do the fetches sequentially. But that of course increases the risk of being blocked by Wikipedia's bots.
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