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2100 & 2132 - command line completion issues #2135

merged 12 commits into from
Feb 23, 2023
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v1 of new algo, too small completion result
  • Loading branch information
daniilsvc committed Feb 4, 2023
commit e04d118158cc0bdb9794ff23ecc7ecc5a95bf411
12 changes: 10 additions & 2 deletions CMDL/Interface.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -44,6 +44,9 @@ import Data.IORef
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadIO (..))

import Debug.Trace
import Text.Printf

shellSettings :: IORef CmdlState -> Settings IO
shellSettings st =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -83,13 +86,18 @@ cmdlComplete st (left, _) = do
case elements pS of
Element z _ : _ ->
let fullConsCheckerList = map fst $ getAllConsCheckers
$ findComorphismPaths logicGraph $ sublogicOfTheory z
let paths = findComorphismPathsNewAlgo logicGraph $ sublogicOfTheory z
fullConsCheckerList = map fst $ getAllConsCheckers $ paths
stateConsCheckList = consCheckers state
filteredConsCheckerList =
filter (\cc -> elem cc stateConsCheckList) fullConsCheckerList
shortConsCList = nub $ map getCcName filteredConsCheckerList

-- traceM "-- comorphisms logicGraph:"
-- forM_ (Map.elems $ comorphisms logicGraph) (putStrLn . show)
-- traceM $ printf "-- length paths: %d" (length paths)
-- traceM "-- paths:"
-- forM_ paths (putStrLn . show)
showCmdComplete state shortConsCList comps left
[] -> showCmdComplete state [] comps left
Nothing -> showCmdComplete state [] comps left
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Hets.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ Executable hets
, xml >= 1.3.7 && < 1.4
, relation
, xeno
, heap
ghc-options: -threaded -fcontext-stack=31

Expand Down
286 changes: 286 additions & 0 deletions Logic/Grothendieck.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ module Logic.Grothendieck
, ginclusion
, compInclusion
, findComorphismPaths
, findComorphismPathsNewAlgo
, logicGraph2Graph
, findComorphism
, isTransportable
Expand All @@ -107,9 +108,12 @@ import Logic.ExtSign
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Modification
import Logic.Morphism
-- import Logic.SearchComorphismCompositions

import ATerm.Lib

import Debug.Trace

import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.ExtSign
Expand All @@ -129,6 +133,11 @@ import Data.Maybe
import Data.Typeable
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HMap
import qualified Data.HashSet as HSet
import qualified Data.Heap as Heap

import Text.Printf

import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec (Parser, parse, eof, (<|>))
-- for looking up modifications
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -901,6 +910,11 @@ findComorphismPaths lg (G_sublogics lid sub) =
Just c1 -> Just (c1, c : cmps)
in mapMaybe addCoMor $ filter (not . (`elem` cmps)) coMors

-- | Find compositions of comorphisms starting from a give logic
-- | use wheted graph of logics to optimize search
findComorphismPathsNewAlgo :: LogicGraph -> G_sublogics -> [AnyComorphism]
findComorphismPathsNewAlgo lg gsubl = findComorphismCompositions lg gsubl

-- | graph representation of the logic graph
logicGraph2Graph :: LogicGraph
-> Graph (G_sublogics, Maybe AnyComorphism) AnyComorphism
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1009,3 +1023,275 @@ lookupSquare com1 com2 lg = maybe ( "lookupSquare") return $ do
sqL2 <- Map.lookup (com2, com1) $ squares lg
return $ nubOrd $ sqL1 ++ map mirrorSquare sqL2
-- maybe adjusted if comparing AnyModifications change

-- | algo for searching possible comorphism compositions
weight_limit :: Int
weight_limit = 500

data SearchNode = SearchNode
{ nodeId :: Int,
parentId :: Int,
logicName :: String,
-- way to check logic already used in comorphism composition
logicsInBranch :: HSet.HashSet String,
-- comorphisms composition for current node
cComposition :: Maybe AnyComorphism,
searchNodeWeight :: Int
deriving (Show)

data SearchState = SearchState
searchNodes :: HMap.HashMap Int SearchNode,
-- ids of nodes who are currently leaves in search tree
leaves :: HSet.HashSet Int,
-- priority queue of nodes according their distances: higher distance - higher priority
pQueue :: Heap.MaxPrioHeap Int Int,
-- we don't repeat already used comorphism in search tree
usedComorphisms :: HSet.HashSet (String, String),
totalWeightUsed :: Int

initState :: G_sublogics -> SearchState
initState (G_sublogics lid sub) =
{ leaves = HSet.empty,
searchNodes =
[ ( 0,
(language_name lid)
(Just (Comorphism $ mkIdComorphism lid sub))
pQueue = Heap.fromList [(0, 0)],
usedComorphisms = HSet.empty,
totalWeightUsed = 0

findComorphismCompositions :: LogicGraph -> G_sublogics -> [AnyComorphism]
findComorphismCompositions lg gsubl =
processSearchState lg (initState gsubl)

processSearchState :: LogicGraph -> SearchState -> [AnyComorphism]
processSearchState lg state@(SearchState ns ls pq uc twu) = case Heap.view pq of
-- Nothing -> trace "-- finish because priority queue is empty" $ getComorphismCompositions ns ls
Nothing -> getComorphismCompositions ns ls
Just ((w, nId), pq') ->
if isComorphismUsed nId ns uc
then -- then trace (printf "-- comorphism used, nId=%d" nId) $ processSearchState lg (state {pQueue = pq'})
processSearchState lg (state {pQueue = pq'})
let curNode = updateNode lg nId ns
ns' = HMap.insert nId curNode ns
-- remove parent node from leaves and put there current node
ls' = HSet.insert nId $ HSet.delete (parentId curNode) ls
uc' = addIntoUsedComorphisms nId ns uc
-- condition to continue or stop search at this point
twu' = twu + w
in if twu' > weight_limit
then -- then trace "-- finish because of weight limit" $ getComorphismCompositions ns ls
getComorphismCompositions ns ls
else -- trace (printf "-- put node in tree, id=%d, parent=%d, name=%s" nId (parentId curNode) (logicName curNode)) $
processSearchState lg $
( state
{ leaves = ls',
searchNodes = ns',
pQueue = pq',
usedComorphisms = uc',
totalWeightUsed = twu'

getComorphismCompositions ::
HMap.HashMap Int SearchNode -> -- nodes of search graph
HSet.HashSet Int -> -- leaves in this graph
getComorphismCompositions sNodes lvs =
-- trace (printf "-- getComorphismCompositions\n\tsNodes.keys: %s\n\tlvs: %s" (show $ HMap.keys sNodes) (show $ HSet.toList lvs)) $
let res =
( \i ->
fromJust $
cComposition $
( error $
printf "getComorphismComositions, incorrect i=%d key for HashMap" i
$ HMap.lookup i sNodes
$ HSet.toList $ lvs
in res

isComorphismUsed ::
Int -> -- node id
HMap.HashMap Int SearchNode -> -- nodes
HSet.HashSet (String, String) -> -- set of used comorphisms
isComorphismUsed nId sNodes ucs =
let curNode =
fromMaybe (error $ printf "isComorphismUsed, incorrect nId=%d key for HashMap" nId) $
HMap.lookup nId sNodes
pId = parentId curNode
pNode =
fromMaybe (error $ printf "isComorphismUsed, incorrect pId=%d key for HashMap" pId) $
HMap.lookup pId sNodes
lName = logicName curNode
pName = logicName pNode
in if pId == (-1)
then False
else HSet.member (pName, lName) ucs

addIntoUsedComorphisms ::
Int -> -- node id
HMap.HashMap Int SearchNode -> -- nodes
HSet.HashSet (String, String) -> -- set of used comorphisms
HSet.HashSet (String, String) -- new set of used comorphisms
addIntoUsedComorphisms nId sNodes ucs =
let curNode =
fromMaybe (error $ printf "addIntoUsedComorphisms, incorrect nId=%d key for HashMap" nId) $
HMap.lookup nId sNodes
pId = parentId curNode
lName = logicName curNode
pNode =
fromMaybe (error $ printf "addIntoUsedComorphisms, incorrect pId=%d key for HashMap" pId) $
HMap.lookup pId sNodes
pName = logicName pNode
in if pId == (-1)
then ucs
else HSet.insert (pName, lName) ucs

-- update fields logicsInBranch and cComposition
updateNode :: LogicGraph -> Int -> HMap.HashMap Int SearchNode -> SearchNode
updateNode lg nId sNodes =
let node =
fromMaybe (error $ printf "updateNode, incorrect nId=%d key for HashMap" nId) $
HMap.lookup nId sNodes
in if parentId node == (-1)
then node
let parentNode =
fromMaybe (error $ printf "updateNode, incorrect (parentId node)=$d key for HashMap" (parentId node)) $
HMap.lookup (parentId node) sNodes
usedLogics = logicsInBranch parentNode
cc =
compComorphism (fromJust $ cComposition parentNode) $
getComorphism lg (logicName parentNode) (logicName node)
in node
{ logicsInBranch = HSet.insert (logicName parentNode) usedLogics,
cComposition = cc

getComorphism :: LogicGraph -> String -> String -> AnyComorphism
getComorphism lg l1Name l2Name =
let comorphismName = l1Name ++ "2" ++ l2Name
comorphism = fromMaybe (error (printf "getComorphism, incorrect comorphismName=%s key for HashMap" comorphismName)) $ Map.lookup comorphismName (comorphisms lg)
in comorphism

processNeighbours :: Int -> SearchState -> SearchState
processNeighbours nId state@(SearchState ns _ pq _ _) =
-- trace (printf "-- processNeighbours, nId=%d" nId) $
let nNodes = HMap.size ns
curNode =
fromMaybe (error $ printf "processNeighbours, incorrect nId=%d key for HashMap" nId) $
HMap.lookup nId ns
lName = logicName curNode
-- select children nodes
children =
filter (\(name, _) -> not . or $ [name == lName, HSet.member name $ logicsInBranch curNode]) $
fromMaybe [] $ HMap.lookup lName weightedGraphOfLogics
-- create SearchNodes of children
childrenNodes = map (\((name, w), i) -> SearchNode i nId name HSet.empty Nothing w) $ zip children [nNodes .. nNodes + (length children) - 1]
-- update map of nodes by adding newly created nodes
ns' = foldl (\_ns sn -> HMap.insert (nodeId sn) sn _ns) ns childrenNodes
-- update priority queue
pq' = foldl (\_pq sn -> Heap.insert (searchNodeWeight sn, nodeId sn) _pq) pq childrenNodes
in state {searchNodes = ns', pQueue = pq'}

-- | hardcoded graph with weights
weightedGraphOfLogics :: HMap.HashMap String [(String, Int)]
weightedGraphOfLogics =
[ ( "CASL",
[ ("CoCASL", 5),
("CspCASL", 5),
("ExtModal", 5),
("HasCASL", 5),
("Hybrid", 5),
("Modal", 5),
("VSE", 5),
("VSEImport", 5),
("VSERefine", 5),
("Propositional", 4),
("OWL", 4),
("Isabelle", 2),
("NNF", 1),
("PCFOL", 1),
("PCFOLTopSort", 1),
("Prenex", 1),
("Skolem", 1),
("SoftFOL", 1),
("SoftFOLInduction", 1),
("SoftFOLInduction2", 1),
("SubCFOL", 1),
("SubCFOLNoMembershipOrCast", 1),
("SubCFOLSubsortBottoms", 1),
("TPTP_FOF", 1)
( "HasCASL",
[ ("IsabelleDeprecated", 5),
("IsabelleOption", 2),
("HasCASLNoSubtypes", 1),
("HasCASLPrograms", 1),
("THFP_P", 1)
( "OWL2",
[("NeSyPatterns", 5), ("CommonLogic", 4), ("CASL", 2)]
("CASL_DL", [("CASL", 4)]),
( "Propositional",
[ ("CommonLogic", 4),
("OWL2", 4),
("QBF", 4),
("CASL", 2)
("CoCASL", [("Isabelle", 2), ("CoPCFOL", 1), ("CoSubCFOL", 1)]),
("SoftFOL", [("CommonLogic", 4)]),
("THFP_P", [("HasCASL", 3), ("THFP", 3)]),
("CspCASL", [("Modal", 3), ("CspCASL_Failure", 2), ("CspCASL_Trace", 2)]),
("CommonLogic", [("Isabelle", 2) -- ("ModuleElimination", 2) --
("THFP", [("THF0", 2)]),
("Adl", [("CASL", 1)]),
("CLFol", [("CFOL", 1)]),
("CLFull", [("CFOL", 1)]),
("CLImp", [("CFOL", 1)]),
("CLSeq", [("CLSeq", 1)]),
("CSMOF", [("CSMOF", 1)]),
("DFOL", [("CASL", 1)]),
("DMU", [("DMU", 1)]),
( "ExtModal",
[ ("CASL", 1),
("ExtModalNoSubsorts", 1),
("ExtModalTotal", 1),
("HasCASL", 1),
("OWL", 1)
("HolLight", [("Isabelle", 1)]),
("Hybrid", [("CASL", 1)]),
("Maude", [("CASL", 1)]),
("Modal", [("CASL", 1)]),
("QBF", [("Propositional", 1)]),
("QVTR", [("QVTR", 1)]),
("RelScheme", [("CASL", 1)])