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How to migrate from 0.6.1 to 0.7.0

Meret B edited this page Dec 12, 2022 · 6 revisions

Below is a (non-exhaustive) overview of changes in the new release that might require adjustments during migration:

Changes concerning naming

  • The class Algorithm was renamed to Checksum
  • Checksum fields in File and Package were renamed from chk_sum/check_sum to checksum

Changes concerning repository structure

  • The classes License, LicenseConjunction, LicenseDisjunction, ExtractedLicense were moved to a separate file

    -> imports need to be adapted, e.g. from spdx.document import License to from spdx.license import License

  • the function calc_verif_code was moved from to

Changes concerning the data model

  • Files are saved at document-level. To map a file belonging to a package you need to add a CONTAINS relationship, e.g. instead of adding the file to the package

add the file at document level and create a new CONTAINS relationship

relationship = Relationship(package.spdx_id + " CONTAINS " + file_entry.spdx_id)
  • Enums for ChecksumAlgorithm, FileTypes and RelationshipType were introduced.

    • To build a Checksum object you need to use a ChecksumAlgorithm object as identifier, e.g.
    from spdx.checksum import ChecksumAlgorithm
    from spdx.checksum import Checksum
    new_checksum = Checksum(identifier=ChecksumAlgorithm.SHA1, value="85ed0817af83a24ad8da68c2b5094de69833983c")
    • To build a file with valid file types use a FileType object
    from spdx.file import File
    from spdx.file import FileType
    file = File('./some/path/tofile')   
    file.spdx_id = 'SPDXRef-File'
    file.file_types = [FileType.OTHER]

Further examples on how to build a valid document can be found in the provided test files, e.g. tests/