A elasticsearch nodejs batching queue.
$ npm install elastic-queue
To use the ElasticQueue
, you simply need to require it and
then initialize a new queue with parameters:
var ElasticQueue = require('elastic-queue');
Queue = new ElasticQueue();
var elasticDocument;
elasticDocument = {
index: 'elastic-product',
type: 'queue',
id: 0,
body: {
metadata: {
fileName: 'inputFile'
The following options
are availble to configure ElasticQueue
client: # http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/client/javascript-api/current/configuration.html#config-options
host: "localhost:9200"
log: "info"
minSockets: 1
sniffInterval: 60000
sniffOnStart: true
suggestCompression: true
concurency: 1 # number of active batches
batchSize: 500 # batch size
commitTimeout: 1000 # wait time before sending partial batches
rateLimit: 2000 # wait time between batches are added to the queue
batchType: "batch_single" # batch_single: convert singles into batches
Event Listeners
- drain: queue is empty
- task: batch is added to queue
- batchComplete: batch is complete
Queue.on('task', function(batch) {
return console.log("task", batch);
Queue.on('batchComplete', function(resp) {
return console.log("batch complete", resp);
Queue.on('drain', function() {
console.log("\n\nQueue is Empty\n\n");
return Queue.close();