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Java AutoGrader, Implemented in Kotlin

A tool used to grade Java programs. It is designed to accept graders and submissions created with the jagr-gradle plugin.


This project's compiled, source and javadoc jars are hosted on sonatype.

Releases are available from mavenCentral() and snapshots from the maven repository maven("").

Follow this guide to set up your gradle buildscript.


Create a basic Criterion:

public static final Criterion H1_1 = Criterion.builder()
    .shortDescription("Some short description")
    .maxPoints(3) // default maxPoints is 1
    .minPoints(-1) // default minPoints is 0
        .requirePass(JUnitTestRef.ofMethod(() -> Tests.class.getMethod("testPositiveInts")))
        .requirePass(JUnitTestRef.ofMethod(() -> Tests.class.getMethod("testNegativeInts")))
        .pointsPassedMax() // award maximum points if ALL tests passed
        .pointsFailedMin() // award minimum points if ANY test failed

Make sure your JUnit test classes are annotated as follows, or they will not run:

public class Test {

A Criterion may be nested as follows:

public static final Criterion H1_1 = Criterion.builder()./*hidden*/.build();
public static final Criterion H1_2 = Criterion.builder()./*hidden*/.build();

public static final Criterion H1 = Criterion.builder()
    .shortDescription("I have two child criteria!")
    .addChildCriteria(H1_1, H1_2) // maxPoints, minPoints and grading is inferred from child criteria

Finally, create a Rubric and implement RubricProvider:

public class H03_RubricProvider implements RubricProvider {
    public static final Criterion H1_1 = Criterion.builder()./*hidden*/.build();
    public static final Criterion H1_2 = Criterion.builder()./*hidden*/.build();
    public static final Criterion H1 = Criterion.builder()./*hidden*/.build();

    public static final Rubric RUBRIC = Rubric.builder()
        .title("My example rubric")

    public Rubric getRubric() {
        return RUBRIC;

Running Jagr

To run Jagr, download the desired compiled release of Jagr from releases and place it in a (preferably empty) directory of your choice.

Then either run the following command in a terminal of your choice (or write a batch/bash script that you can execute):

java -jar Jagr-VERSION.jar

Alternatively, you may run Jagr in-IDE via the Gradle runShadow task (the standard run task does not work).

The working directory used is build/run.

The following directories should have been created:

./graders // input folder for grader jars (tests and rubric providers)
./libs // for libraries that are required on each submission's classpath
./logs // saved log files
./rubrics // the output folder for graded rubrics
./submissions // input folder for submissions
./submissions-export // output folder for submissions

Place your grader jar(s) (tests and rubric providers) in ./graders and the submission(s) you want to test in ./submissions and rerun Jagr.