This is a simple implementation of Pareto optimal and strategyproof solution for priority-based selection using the Draw Algorithm in python3.This program will let you choose hostel rooms depending on your priority and vacant rooms available. On the basis of the true choice of students, they will be rewarded with the best room available depending on their choice.
Before running make sure you are having an python installed for windows users or linux users.For windows user just open the file with any python ide and just compile and run.For unix users first navigate to the directory where this
file stored and then run the follwoing commands in terminal.
python3 #For python version above 3
python #For python 2.7
def main() : main function which all other from main function
def drawAlgoithm(studentChoice, finalAllotmentList,n): used as a function for draw algorithm, generates draw number randomly, n is the number of rooms and students to be alloted. where for n student n choices list will be generated randomly via this function call
def generateStudentChoice(n): Generates students choice list for n students randomly
def sortDrawList(choiceWithDrawNum): Sorting student choice list according to the draw numbers
def randomNumbers(Numbers, size): Suffle and retuns a random drawNumber from the drawNumbersList
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Two sided matching algo will be updated soon.