Hokie Bucket List Download link http://vtnetapps.googlecode.com/files/Hokie_Bucketlist.apk
==Design Decisions== When designing this application, I first struggled choosing a topic. The idea came to me after talking to a friend about how few 'mandatory' things I have done during my time at VT. She sent me a link to the list at http://www.saa.alumni.vt.edu/bucketlist/hokiebucketlist1872.pdf. I then set about deciding what a necessary API would look like. Clearly we would need:
* Creating accounts
* Completing items
* Retrieving completed items
* Defining items
For hosting, a free Heroku application would suffice. I found a helpful Tornado/Heroku starter repository on GitHub at https://github.com/mikedory/Tornado-Heroku-Helpers and used that to get started. I used ClearDB's free MySQL host and then wired up the app.
The API is: GET only: */createuser * username */definiteitem * itemid (from the bucket list) * description */viewitems * username POST only: */completeitem * username * itemid Images are accessible by /uploads/username/itemnumber.filetype
Obviously there's no password security here, but it wasn't necessary for this MVP.
To complete an item, execute an Android share on a picture on the phone, select the app as the processor, and enter a username and item number. To view items, launch the main app from the apps screen, enter a username, and then view completed items. Only the following items are defined so far: http://i.imgur.com/2UuAO.png
Screenshots available at http://imgur.com/a/faji3