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Transform LookupMVValue

Søren Granfeldt edited this page Feb 19, 2017 · 2 revisions

This transform will do a metaverse lookup and return a value from an attribute or DN from the first metaverse object found. This can be used to, i.e. lookup a managers email or DN

<Transform xsi:type="LookupMVValue" LookupAttributeName="accountName" ExtractValueFromAttribute="mail" />


<Transform xsi:type="LookupMVValue" LookupAttributeName="accountName" ExtractValueFromAttribute="[DN]" MAName="inceptio.local"/>

This transform has two or three parameters.

  • LookupAttributeName - this is the attribute name to search
  • ExtractValueFromAttribute - this is the attribute name to extract a value from. If you specify '[DN]', the DN of the CS object of the specified MA (MAName) will be returned.
  • MAName - (optional) the name of the MA to return the DN from if '[DN]' is specified in 'ExtractValueFromAttribute'. If the 'ExtractValueFromAttribute' is not set to '[DN]', then this value is not used. If no metaverse object is found, the input value is returned.
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