This project is an API server that uses FasterWhisper, a faster implementation of OpenAI's Whisper model for speech recognition and transcription. It leverages LitServe to provide a lightweight, scalable web interface where users can upload audio files and receive transcriptions in return.
- Efficiency: FasterWhisper offers a more optimized performance compared to the original Whisper model, making it ideal for real-time transcription tasks.
- Scalability: LitServe extends FastAPI with GPU autoscaling and other features, making this server capable of handling large workloads efficiently.
- Simplicity: The project provides an easy-to-deploy API that can be used in both research and production environments.
First, clone the repository or download the project files.
git clone <your-repo-url>
cd <your-repo-directory>
Make sure you have Python 3.8+ installed. Install the necessary dependencies using the provided requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
sudo apt install ffmpeg
You can set up the environment variables in the .env file. Set the permissions so only the owner can read/write the file:
chmod 600 .env
Create systemd service files for both the WhisperHallu and Demucs servers:
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/whisperhallu-server.service
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/demucs-server.service
Add the appropriate content to each file (refer to the service file content provided earlier).
After creating the service files, reload the systemd manager and start the services:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable whisperhallu-server.service demucs-server.service
sudo systemctl start whisperhallu-server.service demucs-server.service
Run with nohup
nohup python &
nohup python &
Or use the script:
chmod +x
./ start
To check the status of the services:
sudo systemctl status whisperhallu-server.service
sudo systemctl status demucs-server.service
To stop the services:
sudo systemctl stop whisperhallu-server.service demucs-server.service
Or use the script:
./ stop
To restart the services:
sudo systemctl restart whisperhallu-server.service demucs-server.service
Or use the script:
./ restart
The services are set to start automatically on system boot.
You can test the server using a tool like curl or Postman. Here's an example using curl:
curl -X POST -F "audio_file=@path_to_audio_file.wav"
The response will be in JSON format and contain the transcribed text from the audio.
To run the unit tests for the project, use the following commands:
python -m unittest
python -m unittest
You can check the logs in the logs directory.
cat logs/whisperhallu_YYYYMMDD.log
cat logs/nohup.YYYYMMDD.out
These commands will run the unit tests for the JSON utility functions and the video-audio merge server, respectively. Make sure you're in the project's root directory when running these commands.
- LitServe API: The API is powered by LitServe, which handles the requests and sets up the server.
- FasterWhisperHallu: This model is loaded during server initialization. When an audio file is uploaded, FasterWhisperHallu processes it, splitting it into segments, and transcribes the audio.
- Response: The server returns the transcription in a readable format, with start and end times for each segment.
Add streaming capabilities to handle larger audio files in chunks. Integrate batching to handle multiple audio files in one request. Expand to support other models beyond FasterWhisper.
You can add the following crontab to clean the logs every day at 00:00:
0 0 * * * /usr/bin/find /path/to/logs -type f -mtime +7 -delete
Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and submit pull requests.