🔭 I’m currently working on reversing quickheal ransomware tool
🌱 I’m currently learning (struggling ;D) Competitive Programming and DSA
❓ Ask me about anything related to malware and low level architecture 😱
⚡ Just remember, every dead body on Everest was once an extremely motivated person.
- Played CTFs with warlock_rootx previously number 1 ranked ctf team in India
- Collaborate with like-minded researchers and experts and worked on crowd-sourced threat detection techniques. • Identify shortcomings in existing detection approaches and develop ideas to leverage current crowd-sourced detection techniques
• Worked on a malicious document library known as R4PTOR along with the team using the API key backed up by InQuest Labs, Virginia • Worked on a threat actor attribution library known as HAWK BASE which consists of open source available malware samples of different APT groups with attribution cards. • Learned different methods of malware triage and reverse engineering techniques from team members and community • Wrote community paper on malicious document analysis with YARA rules
Emotet Kimsuky APT(North Korea) Lazarus APT(North Korea) SideWinder APT(India) Ryuk Ransomware FINZ Hive Ransomware(Golang Variant) Symbiote(Currently Analyzing)