- Developed by Hendy Irawan
- Originally forked from alfredc/puppet-neo4j
This module installs Neo4j as a standalone server.
1. curl
2. lsof
3. openjdk-7-jre-headless
package or any JRE
package { curl: ensure => present }
package { lsof: ensure => present }
package { openjdk-7-jre-headless: ensure => present }
class { neo4j: }
Package['openjdk-7-jre-headless'] -> Class['neo4j']
Useful for Vagrant VMs.
class { neo4j:
release => 'neo4j-community-1.6',
mirror_url => ''
Although the limit has been raised, neo4j may still complain (it’s neo4j’s bug):
WARNING: Detected a limit of 1024 for maximum open files, while a minimum value of 40000 is recommended.
This is NORMAL.
To check yourself, sudo su neo4j
then ulimit -n
, you’ll see 40000.