A railway reservation system made using MySQL/ReactJS/Django.
Run creation.sql script located at the below path to create the tables for all the Enitities in our Database
Populate the tables with data to further use them for querying using the script sampleData.sql
Run the queries located in Queries.sql script located at the below path to run the following queires
To check validity of a username
To authenticate a user?
Query for trains given a route and a date
Query for the available number of seats given train, route, date and class
Query to sort the running trains on the basis of arrival time
Query to sort the running trains on the basis of dept time
Query to sort the running trains on the basis of total time
Query the cost/fare of a ticket per passenger
query for the status of a ticket given pnr
query all the tickets booked by a user
The report of the Project with all the all relevant information like Table Creation, identification of Stake-Holders,Triggers, Views, Queries,Grants, Trigers etc.
Railway-Reservation-System/NEXTrail Final Report.pdf
Made with ❤️ by Aadit Kant Jha • Abhik S. Basu • Mohit Jain • Sohum Sikdar