screen freezes on ios and no touch support on Layout with entering or exiting animation #3388
On ios the screen freezes on Layout with entering or exiting animation. When i navigate to the page that has layout on navigate
back then the screen freezes and has no touch support. The problem is that there is no error in console in order to debug it.
Expected behavior
Actual behavior & steps to reproduce
Snack or minimal code example
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import Animated, { SlideInLeft, SlideOutLeft } from "react-native-reanimated";
class Search extends Component {
return (
<Animated.View style={{flex: 1}} entering={SlideInLeft} exiting={SlideOutLeft}>
export default Search
Package versions
i have these packages installed
"@react-navigation/native": "^6.0.11",
"@react-navigation/stack": "^6.2.2",
"react": "18.0.0",
"react-native": "0.69.1",
"react-native-reanimated": "^2.9.1"
Affected platforms
- Android
- iOS
- Web