Gesture.Tap() behaving weirdly, one finger needs to be on screen to receive onStart and onEnd events #3048
Hey RNGH developers,
I have been using react native gesture handler for quite sometime now and it's doing an amazing job, However recently I have been experimenting with React three Fiber in an expo react native project.
For the tap gesture, only the onBegin callback is triggered, and no matter how many times I tap, I only receive onBegin events. After further experimentation, I realized that for the onStart and onEnd callbacks to be fired, one finger needs to be placed on the screen before performing the normal tap motion. This triggers the onStart and onEnd callbacks.
Below is my code snippet and a snack link for experimentation.
const tap = Gesture.Tap()
.onBegin(() => {
.onStart((event) => {
.onEnd((event) => {
return (
<GestureDetector gesture={tap}>
<View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
flex: 1,
<ambientLight intensity={0.1} />
<directionalLight color="red" position={[0, 0, 5]} />
onClick={() => {
console.log("mesh click");
<boxGeometry />
<meshStandardMaterial />
Hoping to really get this solved, I believe providing support for React Native Gesture Handler with react three fiber will really help in the upcoming days as support for react-native-wgpu is announced and three js already has running examples for using WebGPU and also since its the only library that has both internal and external interaction system in 3D space for react native.
Trying to run the latest versions of react three fiber will throw this particular error raised in issue . I would recommend using a real device so that you can dismiss these errors on the error popup screen.
Steps to reproduce
- Install Expo React native project with React Three Fiber and React native gesture Handler
- Copy the above code and place it on index file after wrapping your layout with GestureHandlerRootView
- Test tapping the screen to get onBegin callbacks
- Place one finger and try tapping again to get onStart and onEnd callbacks (which is not the expected behaviour )
Snack or a link to a repository
Gesture Handler version
React Native version
Android, iOS
JavaScript runtime
Expo bare workflow
Paper (Old Architecture)
Build type
Debug mode
Real device
Device model
Samsung Galaxy Tab A9