This is a React Native component to easily add SupsisChat widget to your application.
It works for both iOS and Android.
To use SupsisChat in your React application, you will need the SupsisChat license ID.
- Defines the name of your application- For instance , namespace -
- for
If you don't have an account, you can create one here.
To import SupsisChat for React Native, run the following command to install required dependency (react-native-webview) and react-native-supsischat library:
yarn add react-native-webview react-native-supsischat
npm install react-native-webview react-native-supsischat --save
Having imported SupsisChat for React Native, put it in your render method:
import { SupsisChat } from 'react-native-supsischat'
<SupsisChat ref={supsisRef} domainName="your-domain-name"/>
open | makes visible supsis |
close | makes invisible supsis |
setUserData | fills login form |
setDepartment | allows you to pick a department |
email: "",
If you need any help, you can chat with us here.
I hope you will find this module useful. Happy coding!