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13Hz committed Oct 2, 2023
1 parent 085b9b6 commit 4bbac97
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Showing 6 changed files with 1,951 additions and 1,963 deletions.
44 changes: 22 additions & 22 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1193,13 +1193,13 @@ Function DisplayPromo()
If promoEffect=0 Then ProduceSound(FindChild(world,"Tanoy01"),sTanoy,22050,1) : promoEffect=1
If promoTim>25 And promoTim<325 And charRole(gamArrival(slot))=0
Outline(translate("ATTENTION! A new inmate called '")+charName$(gamArrival(slot))+translate("'"),rX#(400),rY#(520),30,30,30,250,250,250)
Outline(translate("will now occupy Cell ")+charCell(gamArrival(slot))+translate(" of the ")+textBlock$(charBlock(gamArrival(slot)))+translate(" Block..."),rX#(400),rY#(560),30,30,30,250,250,250)
Outline(translate("ATTENTION! A new inmate called '#FIRST#'", charName$(gamArrival(slot))),rX#(400),rY#(520),30,30,30,250,250,250)
Outline(translate("will now occupy Cell #FIRST# of the #SECOND# Block...", charCell(gamArrival(slot)), textBlock$(charBlock(gamArrival(slot)))),rX#(400),rY#(560),30,30,30,250,250,250)
If promoTim>25 And promoTim<325 And charRole(gamArrival(slot))=1
Outline(translate("ATTENTION! A new officer called '")+charName$(gamArrival(slot))+translate("'"),rX#(400),rY#(520),30,30,30,250,250,250)
Outline(translate("will now patrol the ")+textLocation$(charLocation(gamArrival(slot)))+translate(" area..."),rX#(400),rY#(560),30,30,30,250,250,250)
Outline(translate("ATTENTION! A new officer called '#FIRST#'", charName$(gamArrival(slot))),rX#(400),rY#(520),30,30,30,250,250,250)
Outline(translate("will now patrol the #FIRST# area...", textLocation$(charLocation(gamArrival(slot)))),rX#(400),rY#(560),30,30,30,250,250,250)
If promoTim>325 And promoTim<9975 Then promoTim=9975 : gamArrival(slot)=0
Expand All @@ -1214,12 +1214,12 @@ Function DisplayPromo()
If promoTim>25 And promoTim<325 And charRole(gamFatality(slot))=0
Outline(translate("ATTENTION! Prisoner ")+CellName$(gamFatality(slot))+translate(", otherwise known"),rX#(400),rY#(520),30,30,30,250,250,250)
Outline(translate("as '")+charName$(gamFatality(slot))+translate("', has been found dead!"),rX#(400),rY#(560),30,30,30,250,250,250)
Outline(translate("ATTENTION! Prisoner #FIRST#, otherwise known", CellName$(gamFatality(slot))),rX#(400),rY#(520),30,30,30,250,250,250)
Outline(translate("as '#FIRST#', has been found dead!", charName$(gamFatality(slot))),rX#(400),rY#(560),30,30,30,250,250,250)
If promoTim>25 And promoTim<325 And charRole(gamFatality(slot))=1
Outline(translate("ATTENTION! ")+charName$(gamFatality(slot)),rX#(400),rY#(520),30,30,30,250,250,250)
Outline(translate("ATTENTION! #FIRST#", charName$(gamFatality(slot)))+,rX#(400),rY#(520),30,30,30,250,250,250)
Outline(translate("has been found dead!"),rX#(400),rY#(560),30,30,30,250,250,250)
If promoTim>350 And promoTim<650 And (charAttacker(gamFatality(slot))=0 Or charWitness(charAttacker(gamFatality(slot)))=0)
Expand All @@ -1230,7 +1230,7 @@ Function DisplayPromo()
If promoTim>350 And promoTim<650 And charAttacker(gamFatality(slot))>0 And charWitness(charAttacker(gamFatality(slot)))>0
Outline(translate("His untimely death is thought to be related"),rX#(400),rY#(520),30,30,30,250,250,250)
Outline(translate("to a dispute with ")+charName$(charAttacker(gamFatality(slot)))+translate("..."),rX#(400),rY#(560),30,30,30,250,250,250)
Outline(translate("to a dispute with #FIRST#...", charName$(charAttacker(gamFatality(slot)))),rX#(400),rY#(560),30,30,30,250,250,250)
If promoTim>675 And promoTim<975 And charRole(gamFatality(slot))=0
Expand All @@ -1250,12 +1250,12 @@ Function DisplayPromo()
If promoTim>25 And promoTim<9975 Then ShowPhoto(gamRelease(slot))
If promoTim>25 And promoTim<325
Outline(translate("ATTENTION! Prisoner ")+CellName$(gamRelease(slot))+translate(", otherwise known"),rX#(400),rY#(520),30,30,30,250,250,250)
Outline(translate("as '")+charName$(gamRelease(slot))+translate("', has been released..."),rX#(400),rY#(560),30,30,30,250,250,250)
Outline(translate("ATTENTION! Prisoner #FIRST#, otherwise known", CellName$(gamRelease(slot))),rX#(400),rY#(520),30,30,30,250,250,250)
Outline(translate("as '#FIRST#', has been released...", charName$(gamRelease(slot))),rX#(400),rY#(560),30,30,30,250,250,250)
If promoTim>350 And promoTim<650
Outline(translate("He served his sentence for ")+Lower$(textCrime$(charCrime(gamRelease(slot)))),rX#(400),rY#(520),30,30,30,250,250,250)
Outline(translate("He served his sentence for #FIRST#", Lower$(textCrime$(charCrime(gamRelease(slot))))),rX#(400),rY#(520),30,30,30,250,250,250)
Outline(translate("and we now welcome him back into society..."),rX#(400),rY#(560),30,30,30,250,250,250)
If promoTim>650 And promoTim<9975 Then promoTim=9975 : gamRelease(slot)=0
Expand All @@ -1266,7 +1266,7 @@ Function DisplayPromo()
optionA$=translate("Yes, join gang!") : optionB$=translate("No thanks...")
If promoStage=0 And promoTim>25 And promoTim<325
Outline(translate("Hey, ")+charName$(pChar(v))+translate(", your skin is white"),rX#(400),rY#(520),30,30,30,250,250,250)
Outline(translate("Hey, #FIRST#, your skin is white", charName$(pChar(v))),rX#(400),rY#(520),30,30,30,250,250,250)
Outline(translate("but you're not letting it shine bright!"),rX#(400),rY#(560),30,30,30,250,250,250)
If promoStage=0 And promoTim>350 And promoTim<650
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1307,7 +1307,7 @@ Function DisplayPromo()
optionA$=translate("Yes, join gang!") : optionB$=translate("No thanks...")
If promoStage=0 And promoTim>25 And promoTim<325
Outline(translate("Hey, ")+charName$(pChar(v))+translate(", you've been sent to"),rX#(400),rY#(520),30,30,30,250,250,250)
Outline(translate("Hey, #FIRST#, you've been sent to", charName$(pChar(v))),rX#(400),rY#(520),30,30,30,250,250,250)
Outline(translate("this prison to serve a greater cause..."),rX#(400),rY#(560),30,30,30,250,250,250)
If promoStage=0 And promoTim>350 And promoTim<650
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1348,7 +1348,7 @@ Function DisplayPromo()
optionA$=translate("Yes, join gang!") : optionB$=translate("No thanks...")
If promoStage=0 And promoTim>25 And promoTim<325
Outline(translate("Hey, ")+charName$(pChar(v))+translate(", aren't you tired of"),rX#(400),rY#(520),30,30,30,250,250,250)
Outline(translate("Hey, #FIRST#, aren't you tired of", charName$(pChar(v))),rX#(400),rY#(520),30,30,30,250,250,250)
Outline(translate("being judged by the colour of your skin?"),rX#(400),rY#(560),30,30,30,250,250,250)
If promoStage=0 And promoTim>350 And promoTim<650
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1389,7 +1389,7 @@ Function DisplayPromo()
optionA$=translate("Yes, join gang!") : optionB$=translate("No thanks...")
If promoStage=0 And promoTim>25 And promoTim<325
Outline(translate("Hey, ")+charName$(pChar(v))+translate(", haven't you ever heard"),rX#(400),rY#(520),30,30,30,250,250,250)
Outline(translate("Hey, #FIRST#, haven't you ever heard", charName$(pChar(v))),rX#(400),rY#(520),30,30,30,250,250,250)
Outline(translate("that the pen is mightier than the sword?"),rX#(400),rY#(560),30,30,30,250,250,250)
If promoStage=0 And promoTim>350 And promoTim<650
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1430,7 +1430,7 @@ Function DisplayPromo()
optionA$=translate("Yes, join gang!") : optionB$=translate("No thanks...")
If promoStage=0 And promoTim>25 And promoTim<325
Outline(translate("Hey, ")+charName$(pChar(v))+translate(", i'm sure you know"),rX#(400),rY#(520),30,30,30,250,250,250)
Outline(translate("Hey, #FIRST#, i'm sure you know", charName$(pChar(v))),rX#(400),rY#(520),30,30,30,250,250,250)
Outline(translate("that only the strong survive in here?"),rX#(400),rY#(560),30,30,30,250,250,250)
If promoStage=0 And promoTim>350 And promoTim<650
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1471,7 +1471,7 @@ Function DisplayPromo()
optionA$=translate("Yes, join gang!") : optionB$=translate("No thanks...")
If promoStage=0 And promoTim>25 And promoTim<325
Outline(translate("Hey, ")+charName$(pChar(v))+translate(", don't forget that the"),rX#(400),rY#(520),30,30,30,250,250,250)
Outline(translate("Hey, #FIRST#, don't forget that the", charName$(pChar(v))),rX#(400),rY#(520),30,30,30,250,250,250)
Outline(translate("point of prison is to better yourself..."),rX#(400),rY#(560),30,30,30,250,250,250)
If promoStage=0 And promoTim>350 And promoTim<650
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1505,8 +1505,8 @@ Function DisplayPromo()
If gamPromo=39
If promoTim>25 And promoTim<325
Outline(translate("Hey, ")+charName$(pChar(v))+translate(", watch who you mess with!"),rX#(400),rY#(520),30,30,30,250,250,250)
Outline(charName$(charPromoRef(pChar(cyc)))+translate(" is a member of ")+textGang$(charGang(pChar(cyc)))+translate("..."),rX#(400),rY#(560),30,30,30,250,250,250)
Outline(translate("Hey, #FIRST#, watch who you mess with!", charName$(pChar(v))),rX#(400),rY#(520),30,30,30,250,250,250)
Outline(translate("#FIRST# is a member of #SECOND#...", charName$(charPromoRef(pChar(cyc))), textGang$(charGang(pChar(cyc)))),rX#(400),rY#(560),30,30,30,250,250,250)
If promoTim>350 And promoTim<650
Expand All @@ -1528,7 +1528,7 @@ Function DisplayPromo()
If promoTim>25 And promoTim<325
Outline(translate("Hey, do you know who you're messing with?!"),rX#(400),rY#(520),30,30,30,250,250,250)
Outline(translate("I'm a member of ")+textGang$(charGang(pChar(cyc)))+translate("..."),rX#(400),rY#(560),30,30,30,250,250,250)
Outline(translate("I'm a member of #FIRST#...", textGang$(charGang(pChar(cyc)))),rX#(400),rY#(560),30,30,30,250,250,250)
If promoTim>350 And promoTim<650
Expand All @@ -1547,8 +1547,8 @@ Function DisplayPromo()
If gamPromo=41
If promoTim>25 And promoTim<325
Outline(translate("Hey, ")+charName$(pChar(v))+translate(", why are you attacking"),rX#(400),rY#(520),30,30,30,250,250,250)
Outline(translate("a fellow member of ")+textGang$(charGang(pChar(cyc)))+translate("?!"),rX#(400),rY#(560),30,30,30,250,250,250)
Outline(translate("Hey, #FIRST#, why are you attacking", charName$(pChar(v))),rX#(400),rY#(520),30,30,30,250,250,250)
Outline(translate("a fellow member of #FIRST#?!", textGang$(charGang(pChar(cyc)))),rX#(400),rY#(560),30,30,30,250,250,250)
If promoTim>350 And promoTim<650
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion translate_plugin/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Global messagesCount = 1573
Global messagesCount = 1569
Dim messages$(messagesCount, 2)

Include "translate_plugin/lang/"
Expand Down
140 changes: 70 additions & 70 deletions translate_plugin/lang/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,104 +1,104 @@
messages$(1401, 0) = "PAUSED"
messages$(1401, 1) = "ÏÀÓÇÀ"
messages$(1397, 0) = "PAUSED"
messages$(1397, 1) = "ÏÀÓÇÀ"

messages$(1402, 0) = "Finalizing World"
messages$(1402, 1) = "Ïîäãîòîâêà ìèðà"
messages$(1398, 0) = "Finalizing World"
messages$(1398, 1) = "Ïîäãîòîâêà ìèðà"

messages$(1403, 0) = "Restoring Sound"
messages$(1403, 1) = "Âîññòàíîâëåíèå çâóêîâ"
messages$(1399, 0) = "Restoring Sound"
messages$(1399, 1) = "Âîññòàíîâëåíèå çâóêîâ"

messages$(1404, 0) = "Removing Camera"
messages$(1404, 1) = "Óäàëåíèå êàìåðû"
messages$(1400, 0) = "Removing Camera"
messages$(1400, 1) = "Óäàëåíèå êàìåðû"

messages$(1405, 0) = "Removing Lights"
messages$(1405, 1) = "Óäàëåíèå ñâåòà"
messages$(1401, 0) = "Removing Lights"
messages$(1401, 1) = "Óäàëåíèå ñâåòà"

messages$(1406, 0) = "Removing Players"
messages$(1406, 1) = "Óäàëåíèå èãðîêîâ"
messages$(1402, 0) = "Removing Players"
messages$(1402, 1) = "Óäàëåíèå èãðîêîâ"

messages$(1407, 0) = "Removing Weapons"
messages$(1407, 1) = "Óäàëåíèå îðóæèé"
messages$(1403, 0) = "Removing Weapons"
messages$(1403, 1) = "Óäàëåíèå îðóæèé"

messages$(1408, 0) = "Removing Effects"
messages$(1408, 1) = "Óäàëåíèå ýôôåêòîâ"
messages$(1404, 0) = "Removing Effects"
messages$(1404, 1) = "Óäàëåíèå ýôôåêòîâ"

messages$(1409, 0) = "Saving Progress"
messages$(1409, 1) = "Ñîõðàíåíèå"
messages$(1405, 0) = "Saving Progress"
messages$(1405, 1) = "Ñîõðàíåíèå"

messages$(1410, 0) = "(Press 'P' to resume play)"
messages$(1410, 1) = "(Íàæìèòå 'P' äëÿ ïðîäîëæåíèÿ)"
messages$(1406, 0) = "(Press 'P' to resume play)"
messages$(1406, 1) = "(Íàæìèòå 'P' äëÿ ïðîäîëæåíèÿ)"

messages$(1411, 0) = "Loading Weapons"
messages$(1411, 1) = "Çàãðóçêà îðóæèÿ"
messages$(1407, 0) = "Loading Weapons"
messages$(1407, 1) = "Çàãðóçêà îðóæèÿ"

messages$(1412, 0) = "Loading Effects"
messages$(1412, 1) = "Çàãðóçêà ýôôåêòîâ"
messages$(1408, 0) = "Loading Effects"
messages$(1408, 1) = "Çàãðóçêà ýôôåêòîâ"

messages$(1413, 0) = "Leaving #FIRST#"
messages$(1413, 1) = "Ïîêèäàåì #FIRST#"
messages$(1409, 0) = "Leaving #FIRST#"
messages$(1409, 1) = "Ïîêèäàåì #FIRST#"

messages$(1414, 0) = "Reputation"
messages$(1414, 1) = "Ðåïóòàöèÿ"
messages$(1410, 0) = "Reputation"
messages$(1410, 1) = "Ðåïóòàöèÿ"

messages$(1415, 0) = "Days"
messages$(1415, 1) = "Äíåé"
messages$(1411, 0) = "Days"
messages$(1411, 1) = "Äíåé"

messages$(1416, 0) = "FILE"
messages$(1416, 1) = "ÔÀÉË"
messages$(1412, 0) = "FILE"
messages$(1412, 1) = "ÔÀÉË"

messages$(1417, 0) = "NAME"
messages$(1417, 1) = "ÈÌß"
messages$(1413, 0) = "NAME"
messages$(1413, 1) = "ÈÌß"

messages$(1418, 0) = "AREA"
messages$(1418, 1) = "ÏÎÇ."
messages$(1414, 0) = "AREA"
messages$(1414, 1) = "ÏÎÇ."

messages$(1419, 0) = "HEALTH"
messages$(1419, 1) = "ÇÄÎÐÎÂÜÅ"
messages$(1415, 0) = "HEALTH"
messages$(1415, 1) = "ÇÄÎÐÎÂÜÅ"

messages$(1420, 0) = "STRENGTH"
messages$(1420, 1) = "ÑÈËÀ"
messages$(1416, 0) = "STRENGTH"
messages$(1416, 1) = "ÑÈËÀ"

messages$(1421, 0) = "AGILITY"
messages$(1421, 1) = "ËÎÂÊÎÑÒÜ"
messages$(1417, 0) = "AGILITY"
messages$(1417, 1) = "ËÎÂÊÎÑÒÜ"

messages$(1422, 0) = "HAPPINESS"
messages$(1422, 1) = "Ñ×ÀÑÒÜÅ"
messages$(1418, 0) = "HAPPINESS"
messages$(1418, 1) = "Ñ×ÀÑÒÜÅ"

messages$(1423, 0) = "INTELLIGENCE"
messages$(1423, 1) = "ÈÍÒÅËËÅÊÒ"
messages$(1419, 0) = "INTELLIGENCE"
messages$(1419, 1) = "ÈÍÒÅËËÅÊÒ"

messages$(1424, 0) = "REPUTATION"
messages$(1424, 1) = "ÐÅÏÓÒÀÖÈß"
messages$(1420, 0) = "REPUTATION"
messages$(1420, 1) = "ÐÅÏÓÒÀÖÈß"

messages$(1425, 0) = "SENTENCE"
messages$(1425, 1) = "ÏÐÈÃÎÂÎÐ"
messages$(1421, 0) = "SENTENCE"
messages$(1421, 1) = "ÏÐÈÃÎÂÎÐ"

messages$(1426, 0) = "CRIME"
messages$(1426, 1) = "ÑÒÀÒÜß"
messages$(1422, 0) = "CRIME"
messages$(1422, 1) = "ÑÒÀÒÜß"

messages$(1427, 0) = "GANG"
messages$(1427, 1) = "ÃÐÓÏ."
messages$(1423, 0) = "GANG"
messages$(1423, 1) = "ÃÐÓÏ."

messages$(1428, 0) = "Loading #FIRST#"
messages$(1428, 1) = "Çàãðóçêà #FIRST#"
messages$(1424, 0) = "Loading #FIRST#"
messages$(1424, 1) = "Çàãðóçêà #FIRST#"

messages$(1429, 0) = "CELL #FIRST#, #SECOND# BLOCK"
messages$(1429, 1) = "ÊÀÌ. #FIRST#, #SECOND# ÁËÎÊ"
messages$(1425, 0) = "CELL #FIRST#, #SECOND# BLOCK"
messages$(1425, 1) = "ÊÀÌ. #FIRST#, #SECOND# ÁËÎÊ"

messages$(1430, 0) = "DECEASED"
messages$(1430, 1) = "ÏÎÊÎÉÍÈÊ"
messages$(1426, 0) = "DECEASED"
messages$(1426, 1) = "ÏÎÊÎÉÍÈÊ"

messages$(1431, 0) = "RELEASED"
messages$(1431, 1) = "ÂÛÏÓÙÅÍ"
messages$(1427, 0) = "RELEASED"
messages$(1427, 1) = "ÂÛÏÓÙÅÍ"

messages$(1432, 0) = "COURTROOM"
messages$(1432, 1) = "Â ÑÓÄÅ"
messages$(1428, 0) = "COURTROOM"
messages$(1428, 1) = "Â ÑÓÄÅ"

messages$(1433, 0) = " (DEAD)"
messages$(1433, 1) = " (ÌÅÐÒÂ)"
messages$(1429, 0) = " (DEAD)"
messages$(1429, 1) = " (ÌÅÐÒÂ)"

messages$(1434, 0) = " (MANIC)"
messages$(1434, 1) = " (ØÎÊ)"
messages$(1430, 0) = " (MANIC)"
messages$(1430, 1) = " (ØÎÊ)"

messages$(1435, 0) = "NONE"
messages$(1435, 1) = "ÍÅÒ"
messages$(1431, 0) = "NONE"
messages$(1431, 1) = "ÍÅÒ"

0 comments on commit 4bbac97

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