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A library for Pepper QiSDK, to find Aruco markers, and provide their position as a frame, useful for localization and navigation.


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Aruco Detection Library

This Android library will help you:

  • Search and detect Aruco markers with Pepper
  • Make Pepper reach the marker locations, align with them

Table of Content

1. Video demonstration

This video was filmed at SoftBank Robotics Europe, and shows Pepper detecting and navigating toward aruco marker placed in the SBRE Showroom.

2. Version History

Note: This 2.0 version is not backward compatible with previous releases, as there have been major changes, see the changelog for details

3. Aruco markers

An Aruco marker is a synthetic square marker composed by a wide black border and an inner binary matrix. The black border facilitates its fast detection in the image and the binary codification allows its identification and the application of error detection and correction techniques. The markers can be of different size, 4x4, 5x5 or 6x6.

Some examples of ArUco markers:

A dictionary of markers is the set of markers that are considered in a specific application. Each marker has an id. This id is the marker index within the dictionary it belongs to.

The markers have an orientation. In this library, we define the Aruco axis as follow:

We chose this coordinate system to be consistent with Pepper QiSDK coordinate system. Beware however as OpenCV uses another coordinate system on material you'll find out there on the internet.

4. Getting started

4.1. Running the sample app

The project comes complete with a sample project. You can clone the repository, open it in Android Studio, and run this directly onto a Robot.

The sample application contains a tutorial that will demonstrate what you can do with the library. You will need to have Aruco Markers in order to play with the tutorial. See Print Aruco markers

4.2. Print Aruco markers

You can generate Aruco Markers, for instance with this website. Choose 4x4 aruco markers, of size 150mm, and pick an ID below 50.

If you want you can also directly print the following markers (click on each image to open them):

Marker 13 Marker 36 Marker 41

5. Using the library in your project

5.1. Add the library as a dependency

Follow these instructions

Make sure to replace 'Tag' by the number of the version of the library you want to use, or by 'master-SNAPSHOT' to use the master branch.

5.2. Add OpenCV libraries

You have two options to add the OpenCV libraries to your project:

5.2.1. Add OpenCV native libraries

With this method you directly add the libraries to your apk. The disadvantage of this method is that your apk will become very big.

Copy the .so files you will find in the folder pepperaruco/src/main/jniLibs into your own src/main folder. Android studio will automatically find and include these libraries into your apk.

5.2.2. Use OpenCV external APK

With this method, the opencv libraries are not installed with your apk, you need to install them separately on the robot.

To install OpenCV manager APK, connect to your robot ip (for instance with adb and install the package you will find in the folder opencv-apk:

$ adb connect
$ adb install opencv-apk/OpenCV_3.4.7-dev_Manager_3.47_armeabi-v7a.apk

6. Usage

6.1. Prerequisite: load OpenCV in our Activity

In your Activity class, you need to load opencv in the onCreate method in order to be able to use the library. To do so, call OpenCVUtils.loadOpenCV(this):

class MyActivity : AppCompatActivity(), RobotLifecycleCallbacks {

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {


6.2. DetectArucoMarker action

6.2.1. Goal

Detect an Aruco marker with Pepper Top Camera.

6.2.2. Typical usage

Use it whenever you want to detect if there are Aruco markers in Pepper vision field. You have to turn Pepper's head yourself toward the Aruco marker using a LookAt or an ExtraLookAt. If you don't want to handle Pepper's head orientation, use LookAroundAndDetectArucoMarker.

6.2.3. Example

The following example will detect Aruco markers in Pepper's field of view, and display the number of markers detected, as well as the id of each detected marker.

// Create the action
val detectAruco: DetectArucoMarker = DetectArucoMarkerBuilder.with(qiContext)

// Run it
val arucoMarkers: Set<ArucoMarker> =

// Display the result
Log.i(TAG, "Pepper detected ${arucoMarkers.size} marker(s)")
arucoMarkers.forEach { marker ->
    Log.i(TAG, "- marker $")

6.2.4. How to use it Detected aruco markers

The DetectArucoMarker action returns a set of ArucoMarkers objects corresponding to the markers that were detected by Pepper using its Top Camera. Camera shake

Camera shake will prevent correct detection of Aruco markers. Make sure Pepper head stays still while you use the DetectArucoMarker action. We advise that you hold BasicAwareness as well as BackgroundMovement while you run the DetectArucoMarker action.

6.2.5. Tuning the DetectArucoMarker behavior Aruco marker size
fun DetectArucoMarkerBuilder.withMarkerLength(markerLength: Double): DetectArucoMarkerBuilder

Set the size of the side of the Aruco markers. In meters. By default, DetectArucoMarker uses 0.15 meters. Aruco marker dictionary
fun DetectArucoMarkerBuilder.withDictionary(dictionary: ArucoDictionary): DetectArucoMarkerBuilder

A dictionary of markers is the set of markers that are considered in a specific application. The main properties of a dictionary are the dictionary size and the marker size.

  • The dictionary size is the number of markers that compose the dictionary.
  • The marker size is the size of those markers (the number of bits).

By default, DetectArucoMarker use ArucoDictionary.DICT_4X4_50. Pepper camera matrix
fun DetectArucoMarkerBuilder.withCameraMatrix(cameraMatrix: HashMap<Pair<Int, Int>, DoubleArray>): DetectArucoMarkerBuilder

You normally should not have to set this parameter. It's the calibration parameter of the Top Camera. It allows you to set the camera matrix parameter used by OpenCV.

By default, DetectArucoMarker uses the matrix defined in PepperRobotData.HEAD_CAMERA_MATRIX. Pepper camera distortion coef
fun DetectArucoMarkerBuilder.withDistortionCoefs(distortionCoefs: DoubleArray): DetectArucoMarkerBuilder

You normally should not have to set this parameter. It's the calibration parameter of the Top Camera. It allows you to set the distortion coefficient parameter used by OpenCV.

By default, DetectArucoMarker uses the coefficients defined in PepperRobotData.HEAD_CAMERA_DISTORTION_COEFS. Aruco marker Frame localization policy
fun DetectArucoMarkerBuilder.withArucoMarkerFrameLocalizationPolicy(policy: ArucoMarkerFrameLocalizationPolicy): DetectArucoMarkerBuilder

When Aruco markers are detected, the Frame that represent their position can be:

  • ArucoMarkerFrameLocalizationPolicy.DETACHED: This is the Default. Aruco Frames won't be attached to any frame. With time their positions will be less and less accurate because of robot drift. Only use this when the robot DOES NOT move. If robot moves, then use Localize action and choose ATTACHED_TO_MAPFRAME
  • ArucoMarkerFrameLocalizationPolicy.ATTACHED_TO_MAPFRAME: Choose ATTACHED_TO_MAPFRAME when Localize or LocalizeAndMap is running. Aruco Frames will be attached to mapFrame, and their positions will be automatically corrected and stay accurate.

6.3. LookAroundAndDetectArucoMarker action

6.3.1. Goal

Look around Pepper to search for Aruco markers on the floor, on the wall.

6.3.2. Typical usage

Use it whenever you want to detect the Aruco markers that are around Pepper. This action handles the moving of Pepper and the detection of markers for you.

6.3.3. Example

The following example will detect Aruco markers on the floor in front of Pepper, and display the number of markers detected, as well as the id of each marker detected.

// Create the action
val lookAroundAndDetect: LookAroundAndDetectArucoMarker =
        .withLookAtSphericalCoordinates(120.0 to 0.0, 120.0 to 20.0, 120.0 to -20.0)

// Run it
val arucoMarkers: Set<ArucoMarker> =

// Display the result
Log.i(TAG, "Pepper detected ${arucoMarkers.size} marker(s)")
arucoMarkers.forEach { marker ->
    Log.i(TAG, "- marker $")

6.3.4. How to use it Detected aruco markers

The LookAroundAndDetectArucoMarker action returns a set of ArucoMarkers objects corresponding to the markers that were detected by Pepper.

6.3.5. Tunning the LookAroundAndDetectArucoMarker behavior Aruco markers detection parameters

This action relies on DetectArucoMarker under the hood. So you can set the same parameters as in DetectArucoMarker:

fun LookAroundAndDetectArucoMarkerBuilder.withMarkerLength(markerLength: Double): LookAroundAndDetectArucoMarkerBuilder
fun LookAroundAndDetectArucoMarkerBuilder.withDictionary(dictionary: ArucoDictionary): LookAroundAndDetectArucoMarkerBuilder {
fun LookAroundAndDetectArucoMarkerBuilder.withCameraMatrix(cameraMatrix: HashMap<Pair<Int, Int>, DoubleArray>): LookAroundAndDetectArucoMarkerBuilder
fun LookAroundAndDetectArucoMarkerBuilder.withDistortionCoefs(distortionCoefs: DoubleArray): LookAroundAndDetectArucoMarkerBuilder
fun LookAroundAndDetectArucoMarkerBuilder.withArucoMarkerFrameLocalizationPolicy(policy: ArucoMarkerFrameLocalizationPolicy): LookAroundAndDetectArucoMarkerBuilder LookAt movement Policy
fun LookAroundAndDetectArucoMarkerBuilder.withLookAtMovementPolicy(policy: LookAtMovementPolicy): LookAroundAndDetectArucoMarkerBuilder

This action relies on LookAt under the hood. When Pepper looks at locations in search for Aruco markers, you can choose if it should use only his head or also move his mobile base by setting the LookAtMovementPolicy. By default, the LookAtMovementPolicy is set to HEAD_AND_BASE, but it can be set to HEAD_ONLY. If you choose HEAD_ONLY, Pepper will only turn his head to look around. However, if you use HEAD_AND_BASE, Pepper will be able to also turn his base. Specifying LookAt targets as a list of Frames
fun LookAroundAndDetectArucoMarkerBuilder.withLookAtTargetFrame(vararg frame: Frame): LookAroundAndDetectArucoMarkerBuilder

LookAroundAndDetectArucoMarker requires that you specify a list of target locations where Pepper will look to search for Aruco markers.

You can set the target location as a list of Frames. Pepper will look at the Frames one after another. Specifying LookAt targets as a list of Transforms
fun LookAroundAndDetectArucoMarkerBuilder.withLookAtReferenceFrameAndTransforms(lookAtRefFrame: Frame, lookAtTransforms: List<Transform>): LookAroundAndDetectArucoMarkerBuilder

LookAroundAndDetectArucoMarker requires that you specify a list of target locations where Pepper will look to search for Aruco markers.

You can set the target locations as a reference Frame and a list of Transforms. Pepper will compute target frames using the reference Frame combined with the transforms, and look at those target Frames one after another.

The reference Frame usually should not move. Especially if you choose gazeFrame as the reference frame, do not pass gazeFrame but a copy of it (use qiContext.mapping.makeDetachedFrame(gazeFrame)) Specifying LookAt targets as a list of Spherical Coordinates
fun LookAroundAndDetectArucoMarkerBuilder.withLookAtSphericalCoordinates(vararg sphericalCoordinates: Pair<Double, Double>): LookAroundAndDetectArucoMarkerBuilder

LookAroundAndDetectArucoMarker requires that you specify a list of target locations where Pepper will look to search for Aruco markers.

You can set the target location as a list of pairs of spherical coordinates (theta, phi).

Pepper will compute Frames using these coordinates and look at them one after another. Termination callback
fun LookAroundAndDetectArucoMarkerBuilder.withTerminationCallback(terminationCallback: LookAroundAndDetectArucoMarker.TerminationCallback): LookAroundAndDetectArucoMarkerBuilder

By default the LookAroundAndDetectArucoMarker will look at all the target locations you specified, detect if there are Aruco markers at these locations. Then return.

Sometimes you may want to search for a particular Aruco marker, and return immediately once this marker is found. Or you may want to return immediately once any marker is found. To address these use cases you can set the termination callback. You have to provide a subclass of the interface TerminationCallback, with an implementation of the shouldTerminate function.

interface TerminationCallback {
    fun shouldTerminate(currentlyDetectedMarkers: Set<ArucoMarker>): Future<Boolean>

The shouldTerminate function receive a set containing the Aruco marker detected up to now, and must return a Future equal to true when it is satisfied with the current set of Aruco markers detected and want the action to terminate.

We provide several ready made implementations of TerminationCallback:

  • TerminateOnlyWhenLookAroundHasFinished(): this is the default, it terminates only after Pepper has looked at all locations
  • TerminateWhenSomeMarkersDetected: terminate whenever a marker is detected, or if none has been detected and Pepper has looked at all locations.
  • TerminateWhenSpecificMarkerDetected(val markerId: Int): terminate when the marker with id markerId has been detected, or if it has not been detected and Pepper has looked at all locations. Aruco marker validation callback
fun LookAroundAndDetectArucoMarkerBuilder.withArucoMarkerValidationCallback(callback: LookAroundAndDetectArucoMarker.ArucoMarkerValidationCallback): LookAroundAndDetectArucoMarkerBuilder

Discard some of the markers detected by setting the marker validation callback. By default all markers are valid, but you can provide a subclass of ArucoMarkerValidationCallback, with an implementation of the isMarkerValid function.

interface ArucoMarkerValidationCallback {
    fun isMarkerValid(marker: ArucoMarker): Future<Boolean>

The isMarkerValid function takes an ArucoMarkers as parameter, and should return a Future equal to true if it's valid, false otherwise.

You can combine marker validation with termination callback:

Let say that there are markers around Pepper on the wall and on the floor, and you want to terminate whenever you see any marker on the floor.

  • You could define a validation callback that reject the markers that are not on the floor
  • And use TerminateWhenSomeMarkersDetected as a termination callback Aruco marker detected listener
interface OnArucoMarkerDetectedListener {
    fun onArucoMarkerDetected(markers: Set<ArucoMarker>)

fun addOnArucoMarkerDetectedListener(listener: OnArucoMarkerDetectedListener)
fun removeOnArucoMarkerDetectedListener(listener: OnArucoMarkerDetectedListener)
fun removeAllOnArucoMarkerDetectedListeners()

Observe markers detection by setting the marker detected listener. The listener will be called whenever Pepper detects Aruco markers. The listener has to be a subclass of OnArucoMarkerDetectedListener and overload the onArucoMarkerDetected function.

6.4. GoToMarkerAndCheckItsPositionOnTheWay action

6.4.1. Goal

Go to the marker Frames, and on the way to the marker regularly stop and redetect the marker to verify its position.

6.4.2. Typical usage

Use it when you have an Aruco marker on the floor, and you want Pepper to go on top of it, and you are not sure the position of the marker was detected precisely enough (for instance when detecting a marker from far away, their position might not be very precise).

6.4.3. Example

// Get a previously detected aruco marker
val marker: ArucoMarker = ...

// Create the action
val goToMarker: GoToMarkerAndCheckItsPositionOnTheWay =

// Run it
val (positionReachedWithSuccess, detectedMarker) =

// Display the outcome of the action
if (positionReachedWithSuccess)
    Log.i(TAG, "Marker position was reached")
    Log.i(TAG, "Marker position was not reached")
if (detectedMarker != null)
    Log.i(TAG, "Marker was detected on the way")
    Log.i(TAG, "Marker was not detected on the way")

6.4.4. How to use it Set the Aruco Marker

Use the withMarker function of the GoToMarkerAndCheckItsPositionOnTheWayBuilder builder to set the Aruco marker that Pepper will try to reach.

fun GoToMarkerAndCheckItsPositionOnTheWayBuilder.withMarker(marker: ArucoMarker): GoToMarkerAndCheckItsPositionOnTheWayBuilder

6.4.5. Tuning the GoToMarkerAndCheckItsPositionOnTheWay behavior Align Pepper Body X Axis with Aruco Marker Z Axis

Enable the marker alignment if you want Pepper to orientate its body X axis with the marker Z axis. If you want Pepper to align in another direction, you can use the markerZAxisRotation parameter (in radian) to change it. For instance, set it to 0.785 (pi / 4) to align at 45 degrees from the Z axis.

fun GoToMarkerAndCheckItsPositionOnTheWayBuilder.withMarkerAlignmentEnabled(enabled: Boolean, markerZAxisRotation: Double = 0.0): GoToMarkerAndCheckItsPositionOnTheWayBuilder Walking animation

Enable the walking animation if you want Pepper to balance its arm while reaching the marker.

fun GoToMarkerAndCheckItsPositionOnTheWayBuilder.withWalkingAnimationEnabled(enabled: Boolean): GoToMarkerAndCheckItsPositionOnTheWayBuilder Max Speed

One can specify a maximum navigating speed in m/s. There is no guarantee that the robot will reach that speed, only that it will not go faster than the specified maximum speed. By default, the robot will not go faster than 0.35 m/s.

fun GoToMarkerAndCheckItsPositionOnTheWayBuilder.withMaxSpeed(maxSpeed: Float): GoToMarkerAndCheckItsPositionOnTheWayBuilder Distance between Stops

While going to the marker, Pepper will regularly stop to detect it and check its position. You can modify the maximum distance Pepper will travel before trying to redetect the marker.

fun GoToMarkerAndCheckItsPositionOnTheWayBuilder.withDistanceBetweenStops(distanceBetweenStops: Double): GoToMarkerAndCheckItsPositionOnTheWayBuilder

6.5. ArucoMarker object

6.5.1. What it is

An ArucoMarker object contains all the information about the Aruco marker that was detected, and especially its id and its position in space.

6.5.2. How to use it

Aruco markers objects contain the following fields:

  • Int: the id (a positive number) that uniquely identifies the marker.
  • marker.frame: Frame: a Frame, corresponding to the position of the marker in space.
  • marker.detectionData.image: Bitmap: the top camera image in which the marker was detected
  • marker.detectionData.timestamp: Long: the timestamp (QiSDK Timestamp) when the marker was detected Saving ArucoMarker for future use

You can serialize an ArucoMarker using the serialize function. It will return a String that you can save to a file and store persistently.

fun ArucoMarker.serialize(qiContext: QiContext): String

NB 1: Pepper MUST be localized (use a LocalizeAndMap or a Localize action) before you can serialize an ArucoMarker from its content. NB 2: Only ArucoMarker with ATTACHED_TO_MAPFRAME policy can be serialized. Loading ArucoMarker from its saved content

To load an ArucoMarker from its serialized content, you can use an ArucoMarkerBuilder object.

val arucoData: String = ...
val arucoMarker = ArucoMarkerBuilder.with(qiContext)

NB: Pepper MUST be localized (use a LocalizeAndMap or a Localize action) before you can load an ArucoMarker from its content. Computing the ArucoMarker orientation

Checking Aruco markers position and orientation can be useful to validate the marker you detect. For instance if you are searching markers on the floor, you don't want to detect markers on the wall. We provide several functions to help you validate detected Aruco markers positions.

  • To know if the Aruco is horizontal or vertical, use:
fun Actuation.computeFrameOrientation(frame: Frame): FrameOrientation

You have to give the Aruco marker Frame as parameter, and it will return a FrameOrientation equal to FrameOrientation.HORIZONTAL or FrameOrientation.VERTICAL.

  • To know precisely the orientation of the Aruco marker, use
fun Actuation.computeRobotRelativeFrameOrientation(frame: Frame): RobotRelativeFrameOrientation

You have to give the Aruco marker Frame as parameter, and it will return a RobotRelativeFrameOrientation:

data class RobotRelativeFrameOrientation(
        val xAxisDirection: RobotRelativeDirection,
        val yAxisDirection: RobotRelativeDirection,
        val zAxisDirection: RobotRelativeDirection

Containing the direction of each axis relatively to Pepper, as a RobotRelativeDirection:

enum class RobotRelativeDirection {
} Checking if the ArucoMarker is on the floor

To check a marker is on the floor, use isMarkerOnTheFloor, and give the marker Frame as parameter.

fun Actuation.isMarkerOnTheFloor(markerFrame: Frame): Boolean

7. Advanced usage

7.1. Use a different version of OpenCV

It is possible to replace the version of opencv contained in this project. Though the complete method on how to do it exactly is left out of this README. One thing you need to make sure is you use a version of OpenCV compiled with Aruco Detection code in it (which is not the default). This version is called opencv contrib. You can find compiled versions here:

Click on a build number, and then click on the upload release to find the archive called You will find the files you need in this archive.

7.2. Extending the lib

7.2.1. Full OpenCV Aruco documentation by developer

The full opencv aruco documentation can be found here:

8. License

This project is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License- see the COPYING file for details