v0.12.0 Release for SODA Installer
Version Summary
Version Number : v0.12.0 [tag: v0.12.0]
Date : 12-April-2020
Release Summary :
This is the first release after the OpenSDS project transformed as The SODA Foundation. This release is mainly based on the Daito release from OpenSDS projects. There are some project/repository reorganizations, updates on certain projects along with some quality improvements. There are no big feature enhancements in this release.
This changelog is based on OpenSDS release Daito.
Overall : Project has been migrated to github.com/sodafoundation from github.com/opensds
Updated to handle the project migration & project decoupling
Optimization and bug fixes
Quality Improvements
- Specific test cycles on various projects to improve the quality
Projects/Repos Tested with:
Project | Release Tag |
api | v0.12.0 |
controller | v0.12.0 |
dock | v0.12.0 |
nbp | v0.12.0 |
installer | v0.12.0 |
multi-cloud | v0.12.0 |
dashboard | v0.10.0 |
orchestration | v0.10.0 |
anomaly-detection | v0.10.0 |
How to use the Release:
From Release Binaries of OpenSDS Installer Steps:
- wget
OR Download the installer binaries from
- wget
tar xvzf installer-v0.12.0.tar.gz
cd installer/ansible
chmod +x ./install_ansible.sh && ./install_ansible.sh
ansible --version # Ansible version 2.4.x is required.
vim group_vars/common.yml # Modify HOST_IP address if needed
ansible-playbook site.yml -i local.hosts
- Configuration & Installation If you want more config control, you can follow this steps:
- https://docs.sodafoundation.io/try-soda/installation/ (Recommended Ansible method)
Issues and Suggestions
Any SODA Release related issues/suggestions, please raise at https://github.com/sodafoundation/installer/issues