An Eclipse extension for Rational Team Concert (RTC) to copy Work Items across repositories.
This extension allows you to copy work items from one repository to another repository. This can also be used to do bulk copy across project areas in the same repository. If source and target projects are simple scrum based then this can be a tool of choice for importing.
Copying built in attributes like type, summary, description, tags, priority, severity, complexity, creation date, due date, resolution date, estimates and timespent
Comments, state and resolution details are retained.
Links, attachments and internal data like rank can be copied
Backlog items are imported as backlog items.
Secured by allowing only Admins to operate (Get in touch with the author if you want to relax this)
To replace sensitive information
Add tags to the copied work items
Enable or disable copying links and attachments
Enable or disable copying internal information
Users are mapped by user id. Defaults to Unassigned user or Current user (creator, comments)
Found In, Planned For are set to unassigned
Retains data only from built in attributes
Very easy to use.
Create a work item query to match the work items for copy
Right click on the query and select 'Copy Work Items...' option
Select the target repository and project area into which work items are to be imported
Click finish to copy with default options or Click next to choose options and finish
Install on top of RTC Eclipse Client using the following update site
Pre Requisite - Rational Team Concert 5.0.2 Client