A module collection for managing your $HOME
with Hjem.
Based on the Hjem tooling, Hjem Rum (literally meaning "home rooms") is a collection of modules for various programs and services to simplify the use of Hjem for managing your $HOME
Hjem was initially created as an improved implementation of the home
functionality that Home Manager provides. Its purpose was minimal. Hjem Rum's purpose is to create a module collection based on that tooling in order to recreate the functionality that Home Manager's large collection of modules provides, allowing you to simply install and config a program.
To start using Hjem Rum, you must first import the flake and its modules into your system(s):
# flake.nix
inputs = {
hjem = {
url = "github:feel-co/hjem";
# You may want hjem to use your defined nixpkgs input to
# minimize redundancies
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
hjem-rum = {
url = "github:snugnug/hjem-rum";
# You may want hjem-rum's inputs to follow your defined
# inputs to minimize redundancies
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
inputs.hjem.follows = "hjem";
# One example of importing the module into your system configuration
outputs = {
} @ inputs: {
nixosConfigurations = {
default = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
specialArgs = {inherit inputs;};
modules = [
# Import the flakes' modules
# Whatever other modules you are importing
Be sure to first set the necessary settings for Hjem:
# configuration.nix
hjem = {
users.<username> = {
enable = true;
directory = "/home/<username>";
user = "<username>";
# You should probably also enable clobberByDefault at least for now.
clobberByDefault = true;
You can then configure any of the options defined in this flake in any nix module:
# configuration.nix
hjem.users.<username>.rum.programs.alacritty = {
enable = true;
#package = pkgs.alacritty; # Default
settings = {
window = {
dimensions = {
lines = 28;
columns = 101;
padding = {
x = 6;
y = 3;
Hjem Rum is always in need of contribution. Please see CONTRIBUTING.md for more information on how to contribute and our guidelines.
Credit goes to @NotAShelf and @éclairevoyant for creating Hjem.
All the code within this repository is protected under the GPLv3 license unless explicitly stated otherwise within a file. Please see LICENSE for more information.