Some ui components that helps you build applications.
repositories {
// if you use ShareKit component
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
// add dependency, please replace x.y.z to the latest version
implementation ""
// if you use ShareKit component
kapt ('com.github.Hackforid.Lego:lego-compiler:0.7.5')
- Color
- Font
- Icon(Svg)
- Theme
- Anim
- UI Components
- Dialog
- AspectLayout
- WebView
- Button
- ShareKit
- Interpolator
- LottieAnim
- Design Extensions
Make your AppTheme style extends DesignTheme, then you can use the components. For more details, please read the example.
The ShareKit use LegoAdapter and the SnowAnimView use Lottie, please read their documentation before using theme.
If you use lego adapter
-keepnames class*