An ASP.NET Core boilerplate to start REST API develpment.
- .NET Core 2.1
- OAuth2, ResourceOwnerPasswordFlow using IdentityServer4
- Dapper Micro ORM
- Castle.Core aspect for transactions management
- MySQL & MySQL workbench model
- Quartz Scheduler
- Fast & Stable
- Layered
- Independent (from web-api) transactional business layer(BSO)
- Fully applied configurable resource based authorization
- Independent acceptance test client based on HttpClient
- To setup database run the following scripts in order against an instance of MySql DBMS;
- DataModel/Trepub_Schema.sql
- DataModel/Trepub_Content.sql
- The ConnectionString located in appsettings.json should be adjusted accordingly.
- To setup database run the following scripts in order against an instance of MySql DBMS;
To run tests provide the test case name in the following command or omit it to run all the tests
- dotnet bin\Trepub.Web.API.Test.dll run [testCaseName]
- to run any written task against server type the following command: dotnet bin\Trepub.Web.API.Test.dll runTask [taskName] [params] [-url http://localhost:56224/]
- to stop server from accepting any http requests or resuming it use the following command:
- dotnet bin\Trepub.Web.API.Test.dll runTask SystemToggleProcessingTakRunner -url http://localhost:56224/
- to run the kestrel on a specific port use the following pattern
- dotnet bin\Trepub.Web.API.dll --server.urls "http://localhost:5010"