Having just set up a mastodon account I can perform a few tests with bridgy fed and compare against bridgy I currently use for replies\shares etc. on posts syndicated to pleroma.
I've just replied to a post by my bridgyfed account from my mastodon account and the webmentions responses are mismatched. Also I received two webmentions for the one reply, on with a target of the note that I was replying to and one with a target of my website URL.
In the bridgy response webmention the author name and photo are correctly populated, however in the case of the bridgy fed webmention the name is the same as the URL and there is no photo.
I use the webhook for saving webmentions to json files.
Example of bridgy webmention:
Example of bridgy fed webmention 1 - wm-target being the note I was replying to:
"html":"<p><span class=\"h-card\"><a href=\"\" class=\"u-url\">@<span></span></a></span> test reply</p>\n<a class=\"u-mention\" href=\"\"></a>",
"text":" test reply"},
Example of bridgy fed webmention 2 - wm-target being to the website URI
"html":"<p><span class=\"h-card\"><a href=\"\" class=\"u-url\">@<span></span></a></span> test reply</p>\n<a class=\"u-mention\" href=\"\"></a>",
"text":" test reply"},