Tired of manually managing symlinks for your media server? This handy utility automates the creation of recursive mirror symlinks, making it a breeze to keep your media organized and accessible.
- Effortless Symlink Creation: Create a perfect mirror of your source folder's structure in the destination media server watchdog folder, all with a single click.
- Media Server Optimization: Ideal for Jellyfin, Plex, or other media servers. Freely use tools like FileBot to rename "files" -> symlinks for easy identification without sacrificing torrent seeding capabilities.
✅ Folder Selection: Browse and select source and destination folders using intuitive file dialogs and demonstrating directories | files count.
✅ Recursive Symlink Creation: Creates symlinks for all files and subfolders within the source folder, mirroring the directory structure in the destination.
✅ Existing Symlink and Folder Handling: Detects and handles existing symlinks and folders at the destination, allowing for options like overwriting or skipping.
✅ User Feedback: Provides informative messages and error dialogs to keep the user informed about the process.
✅ Administrator Rights: Checks for administrator privileges and attempts to elevate if necessary, ensuring proper symlink creation permissions.
✅ Window Management: Centers the GUI window and makes it topmost to enhance user experience.
✅ Logging: Selfloging tree view of most importan program nodes.
first install requirements.txt with pip
> pip install -r requirements.txt
Next, you can run main.py
Or build the .exe file with the following command:
> pip install pyinstaller
> pyinstaller -F --onefile --noconsole ^
--clean --icon=".\icon.ico" ^
The executable will be created in dist
Or you can just download already built executable here
- Python
- customtkinter (for Modern GUI)
- tkinter (for file dialogs and basic GUI elements)
- ctypes (for administrator rights handling)
- shutil (for folder removal)
- Refactor media info \ folder tree to be able to open in new windwos
- GPLv3