The following are some hard and soft prerequisites in order to fully setup and develop with this repository.
- Node.js
- Java 18
- Intellij
- Git
- VSCode
- Docker
Git Clone repo into your desired directory.
- Development:
- a. Navigate to qwik-app and run npm install
- b. run 'npm run dev'
- c. You now should have a local server that will hot reload on development changes.
- Testing:
- a. TBD
- e2e Testing:
- a. TBD
- More:
- Check out the package.json to review all possible scripts and features.
- In resources/ ensure these settings are pointing to your local docker container.
- Ensure docker is runnning on your device.
- Navgiate to dynamodb
- run 'docker compose up'
- You should now have docker images running locally for the application to interact with.
- Don't branch.
- Azure pipeline on Azure Dev Ops will run the build, test and deploy to the trunk web app, be alert for any potential failures.