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Data Persistence Repository

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Data Persistence Repository is a Python package providing a portable implementation of the repository pattern for a data persistence layer. For the moment there is only SQL support but it is planned to introduce more database types. This package facilitates interaction with SQL databases through an abstracted interface, ensuring clean and maintainable database interaction in Python applications.



  • Abstract repository interface for streamlined data layer interactions.
  • Async and sync SQL repository implementation with SQLAlchemy.
  • Context manager for robust database session management.
  • Methods for CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete).
  • Support for filtering and bulk operations.


Install Data Persistence Repository from PyPI:

pip install data_persistence_repository


Basic usage example (synchron):

from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
from data_persistence_repository.sql_repository import SqlRepository

class YourOwnRepository(SqlRepository):
    def special_query(self, session: Session):
        # execute a special query
# Initialize the repository
repo = YourOwnRepository("sqlite:///your_database.db")

# Use the repository within a managed context
with repo.start_session() as session:
    # Perform add, get, delete operations here

Basic usage example (asynchron):

from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import AsyncSession
from data_persistence_repository.sql_repository_async import AsyncSqlRepository

class YourOwnRepository(AsyncSqlRepository):
    async def special_query(self, session: AsyncSession):
        # execute a special query
        await session.execute(...)

# Initialize the repository
repo = AsyncSqlRepository("sqlite:///your_database.db")

# Use the repository within a managed context
async with repo.start_session() as session:
    # Perform add, get, delete operations here
    await repo.special_query(session)

Replace "sqlite:///your_database.db" with your actual database URL.


  • Python 3.x
  • Dependencies listed in requirements.txt.

Running Tests

Execute tests using pytest:

python -m pytest tests


Contributions are welcomed! For substantial changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you'd like to change. Please make sure to update tests accordingly. Also, each PR must have tests.



For more information on the repository pattern and its benefits in data persistence, please visit Repository Design Pattern Information.