This repository contains code that is used and presented as part of the paper Efficient Generator of Mathematical Expressions for Symbolic Regression, that can be found here:
author={Me{\v{z}}nar, Sebastian and D{\v{z}}eroski, Sa{\v{s}}o and Todorovski, Ljup{\v{c}}o},
title={Efficient generator of mathematical expressions for symbolic regression},
journal={Machine Learning},
EDHiE, a mad scientist frantically searching for the right mathematical expression:
We are currently refactoring and improving some code and its performance, so some parts of the code might be broken.
An overview of the approach (shown on the symbolic regression example) can be seen below.
- Install HVAE/EDHiE
- Set up your config file (use configs/test_config.json as a template)
- Create a set of expressions with the script and a custom grammar suitable for your problem
- Train a HVAE model with the script
- Run the script
To install and test HVAE, do the following:
- Install rust (instructions at
- Create a new (conda) environment
- Install dependencies with the command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- (Optional - expression set generation)
pip install git+
This repository implements both HVAE and EDHiE (HVAE + evolutionary algorithm). HVAE is an autoencoder that needs to be trained before we are able to use it as either a generator or for equation discovery/symbolic regression. Sections Expression set generation and Model training show the steps needed to train a model.
We use a set of expressions stored in a json file as training data for our model. Such a file can be obtained in two ways:
- Use an existing set of expressions and convert it to a suitable file
- Create a new set of expressions using the script.
1.) An existing set of expressions can be converted to a suitable file with the function "expression_set_to_json" from the This function takes as input a list of expressions (represented as a list of symbols). An example script ( for this use-case with more detailed instructions can be found in the examples folder.
2.) If you currently don't have a set of expressions with which you would like to train the model, you can either find some in the data/expression_sets/ directory or generate a new set of expressions using the script (recommended). A universal probabilistic grammar for creating expressions is given, but it is recommended that you define a grammar that suits your problem. An example of such a grammar (grammar.txt) with some further instructions can be found in the examples directory.
A HVAE model can be train using the script. All parameters for training are contained in the config file. All these parameters are explained in the example config file configs/test_config.json.
Our motivation for this approach is symbolic regression (equation discovery), a machine learning task where you try to find a closed-form solution that fits the given data. In case of symbolic regression, HVAE is used to generate expression. To explore the latent space produced by HVAE efficiently, our variational autoencoder needs to possess the following characteristics:
- Produce syntactically valid expressions; HVAE produces only syntactically valid expressions by design,
- Reconstruct (unseen) expressions well; otherwise we cannot expect that the latent space will have structure and the expressions produced by the generator are always random (we do not profit from methods for optimization in continuous space)
- Points close in the latent space need to produce (for now syntactically) similar expressions; This makes exploration of the latent space using optimization possible.
In this section we show how to evaluate these characteristics and how to run symbolic regression experiments using HVAE.
Disclaimer: Since submission of the manuscript "Efficient generator of mathematical expressions for symbolic regression", we changed some parts of the approach (mostly BatchedNode, regularization, and symbolic regression script) which may impact performance.
The code for evaluating reconstruction accuracy can be found in src/ script. Similar to model training, parameters for this script can be found in the config file.
Table below shows the percentage of syntactically correct expressions and the reconstruction accuracy (evaluated as the edit distance between the original and the predicted expression in the postfix notation).
Additionally, we show the efficiency of HVAE with regard to the number of training examples needed and the dimension of latent space below.
We use linear interpolation to show that points close in the latent space produce similar expressions. We encode expressions
into the latent space with the encoder, generating vectors
To try it out use the script. Most parameters for linear interpolation can be found in the config file; script contains the two expressions we want to interpolate between and the number of steps in the interpolation.
Some results of linear interpolation are shown in the table below:
For evaluation of EDHiE (Equation Discovery with Hierarchical variational autoEncoders = HVAE + evolutionary algorithm) on the symbolic regression task, you can use the script Most parameters for symbolic regression can be found (and are explained) in the config file.
Results of symbolic regression are saved into a file that contains the best expression and its error on both the train and the test set, as well as the number of evaluated and generated expressions and top n candidates.
Some results of symbolic regression on the Nguyen symbolic regression benchmark can be found in the table below.