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Pull requests that update a dependency file
📚For: Documentation
📚For: Documentation
Requires management of documentation
👗For: Frontend
👗For: Frontend
Requires management of frontend
🖥️For: Hardware
🖥️For: Hardware
Requires implementation of hardware
📦 For: Packages
📦 For: Packages
Requires management of packages
🔌 For: Plugins
🔌 For: Plugins
Requires management of plugins
🏷️ Needs Triage
🏷️ Needs Triage
New issue that requires triage and labelling
🌋Priority: Critical
🌋Priority: Critical
Critical Priority
🏔Priority: High
🏔Priority: High
High Priority
🏝Priority: Low
🏝Priority: Low
Low Priority
🏕Priority: Medium
🏕Priority: Medium
Medium Priority
✅Status: Complete
✅Status: Complete
Issue is complete, awaiting push
✔️Status: Confirmed
✔️Status: Confirmed
Acknowledged and on list of things to do
✍🏻Status: Feedback Needed
✍🏻Status: Feedback Needed
Feedback from other contributors or external sources
🏗 Status: In Progress
🏗 Status: In Progress
Issue currently being worked on
✋Status: On Hold
✋Status: On Hold
Issue on hold, awaiting time to complete
🔬Status: Review Needed
🔬Status: Review Needed
Further review needed into issue and solution
🐛Type: Bug
🐛Type: Bug
Bug found in code, requiring fixing
☀️Type: Enhancement
☀️Type: Enhancement
Enhancement to repo
⚙️Type: Feature
⚙️Type: Feature
Feature Request
💁🏻Type: Help Needed
💁🏻Type: Help Needed
Help needed on this issue from further collaborators
💡Type: Idea
💡Type: Idea
Idea for addition/enhancement
❓Type: Question
❓Type: Question
Question requiring answering by contributors