Go library to interact with APIs in all the Starr apps.
This library is slowly updated as new methods are needed or requested. If you have specific needs this library doesn't currently meet, but should or could, please let me know!
This library is currently in use by:
Get it:
go get -u golift.io/starr
Use it:
import "golift.io/starr"
package main
import (
func main() {
// Get a starr.Config that can plug into any Starr app.
// starr.New(apiKey, appURL string, timeout time.Duration)
c := starr.New("abc1234ahsuyka123jh12", "http://localhost:8686", 0)
// Lets make a lidarr server with the default starr Config.
l := lidarr.New(c)
// In addition to GetSystemStatus, you have things like:
// * l.GetAlbum(albumID int)
// * l.GetQualityDefinition()
// * l.GetQualityProfiles()
// * l.GetRootFolders()
// * l.GetQueue(maxRecords int)
// * l.GetAlbum(albumUUID string)
// * l.GetArtist(artistUUID string)
status, err := l.GetSystemStatus()
if err != nil {