a home for Roku, Brightscript, and SceneGraph resources
Official Documentation - Developer guides, SceneGraph and Brightscript reference
Channel Certification - Requirements for your channel submition
Roku Developer Tools Home - Home page for all Roku supported tools
- Remote Tool - Control a roku over local network
- Deep Link Tester - Test Deep Linking
- Stream Tester - Test Streams
- Brightscript Profiler - Navigate profiling sessions
- Advanced Layout Editor (RALE) - Element inspector for your Roku channel
- Unit Test Framework - Write Unit tests for Brightscript and Scenegraph components
- State Channel Analysis - Like a linter for the certification checklist
- SceneGraph Developer Extensions - Library of Roku supported components and patterns
- Roku Channel Automation - Automation server using the ECP standard
vscode-brightscript-language - VSCode extension with awesome support for Brightscript and SceneGraph
zeplin-roku - An extension for generating simple SceneGraph components from zeplin designs
eslint-plugin-roku - eslint plugin for linting brightscript files
Wist - A linter for brightscript
scenegraph-schema - A tool to generate an xml schema for a SceneGraph project to work with xml validation extensions
brighterscript - A superset of Roku's BrightScript language. Compiles to standard BrightScript.
Ukor - A build tool for Roku projects
burp - Script processing utility for Roku brightscript projects
sjbarag/brs - An interpreter for the BrightScript language that runs on non-Roku platforms. (*not really a build tool but it fits here best)
rounded-rect-9patch - CLI for generating rounded rectangle 9patches, create with Roku in mind
brighterscript-formatter - A code formatter for BrighterScript (and BrightScript)
roku-deploy - An npm module for zipping and deploying to Roku devices.
Unit Test Framework - Write Unit tests for Brightscript and Scenegraph components
Rooibos - simple, flexible, fun brightscript test framework for roku scenegraph apps; includes code-coverage, paremeterized testing, stubs, mocks and more
Roku Channel Automation - Automation server using the ECP standard
Rokul Runnings - a client TypeScript/Javascript library UI Automation, using the ECP standard, standalone.
maestro - A development platform for building roku channels in brighterscript in a hyper efficient and maintainable way, by leveraging brighterscript, and MVVM binding syntax, similar to Flex, Xamarin and Angular frameworks
brighterscript - A superset of Roku's BrightScript language. Compiles to standard BrightScript.
roact - A React-inspired design pattern for building UI components.
RokuFramework - A MVC-style framework for building Roku channels rapidly.
rLog - Logging for Roku
rocute - Beautiful UI Components for Roku Development
roku-promise - A promise
implementation for Roku
roku-fetch - A fetch
implementation for Roku
roku-requests - A python-inspired HTTP request implementation for Roku
Redoku - A Redux
implementation for Roku
WebSockets - A ScreneGraph websocket client library written in BrightScript.
SceneGraph Developer Extensions - Library of Roku supported components and patterns
Google IMA DAI SDK - Google SDK for ads
Adobe Marketing Cloud Media SDK
Roku Dashboard - Automatically discover and manage Roku's on your local network
Nine Patch Editor - A Java-based GUI for editing nine patch images
JWT Decoder - A tool for verifying JWT tokens
JSON Diff - A tool for comparing two JSON objects
Roku Like A Hurricane - A blog about Roku development by Brian Dunnington