Z80 CPU, 512 KiB SRAM, and 512 KiB Flash ROM module for RCBus systems
Z80-512K is an RCBus and RC2014* compatible module, designed to run RomWBW firmware including CP/M, ZSDOS, and various applications under these OSes. Z80-512K combines functionality of the following RC2014* modules on a single module, thus saving space on the backplane:
- Z80 CPU Module
- 512k ROM 512k RAM Module
- Clock and Reset Module
In addition to these functions, Z80-512K includes programmable CLK2 clock divider, support for battery-backed SRAM, power failure NMI generation, and a watchdog.
Minimal CP/M computer system can be built using Z80-512K module, a backplane, and a serial port module, such as Z80 SIO or MC68B50 ACIA. For configurable baud rate settings, it is recommened to use serial modules that can use CLK2 as a clock, for example Steve Cousins' SC716 or SC725 modules. Additional storage module is not required, since RomWBW utilizes part of ROM and SRAM for ROM and RAM disks respecitvely, but a Compact Flash module can be added for additional storage. For a compact system, a 3-slot SC723 can be used.
- Processor: Zilog* Z80 CPU (CMOS version - Z84C00)
- Memory: 512 KiB battery-backed SRAM, 512 KiB Flash ROM, Zeta SBC V2 compatible memory pager
- Bus: RC2014* compatible
- Microprocessor Supervisor:
- Reset generation
- SRAM battery backup
- Power failure NMI
- Watchdog
Please refer to Assembly Instructions document
Z80-512K uses an Atmel* ATF1504AS CPLD (complex programmable logic device) to implement Zeta SBC V2 compatible memory pager, watchdog control, and UART clock divider. These functions are configured using registers that are accessible using I/O ports. Upon reset, the configuration registers are set to values that result in an RC2014 compatible configuration, so that RomWBW RCZ80_std.rom image can be used without any modifications.
The following I/O ports are implemented in the CPLD:
Bits 0-4 define the ratio the 7.3728 MHz CPU clock (CLK1) is divided by to produce UART clock (CLK2). The output clock can be calculated using the following formula: fCLK2 (Hz) = 7372800 / (3m * 2n), where m is bit 4 of CONFIG register (0 or 1), and n are bits 3-0 of CONFIG register (0 to 15)
Port | Bit # | Function | Value = 0 | Value = 1 |
0x6D | 0 | Divide CPU clock by 2 | Disable divide by 2 | Enable divide by 2 |
0x6D | 1 | Divide CPU clock by 4 | Disable divide by 4 | Enable divide by 4 |
0x6D | 2 | Divide CPU clock by 16 | Disable divide by 16 | Enable divide by 16 |
0x6D | 3 | Divide CPU clock by 256 | Disable divide by 256 | Enable divide by 256 |
0x6D | 4 | Divide CPU clock by 3 | Disable divide by 3 | Enable divide by 3 |
- Note: Bits 0-4 are reset to '0' on power-on or reset, so that the divide ratio is set to 1 and the CLK2 frequency is 7.3728 MHz
Bit 5 enables or disables the watchdog and controls the generation of watchdog (WDOG) signal. On the board the WDOG signal is connected to the CPU supervisor IC U5 ADM693A. The CPU supervisor will reset the board if WDOG signal is not pulsed within 1.6 seconds. When watchdog is disabled, the /M1 signal is routed to WDOG signal, so that it is pulsed on every instruction fetch. When watchdog is enabled, the WDOG signal should be pulsed by writting to WDOG register, port 0x6F (see below) in intervals of less than 1.6 seconds.
Port | Bit # | Function | Value = 0 | Value = 1 |
0x6D | 5 | Watchdog enable | Disable watchdog | Enable watchdog |
- Note: Bit 5 is reset to '0' on power-on or reset, so that watchdog is disabled
Port | Bit # | Function | Value |
0x6D | 7-6 | Not implemented | Should be set to 0 |
Any write to this port pulses the WDOG signal, which resets the watchdog in the CPU supervisor U5
Port | Bit # | Function | Value |
0x6F | N/A | WDOG - Reset watchdog | Any write to this port resets the watchdog |
Port | Bit # | Function | Value |
0x78 | 5-0 | MPGSEL_0 - Page number for bank #0 0x0000-0x3FFF | 0-31 - Page number |
0x78 | 7-6 | Not implemented | Should be set to 0 |
0x79 | 5-0 | MPGSEL_1 - Page number for bank #1 0x4000-0x7FFF | 0-31 - Page number |
0x79 | 7-6 | Not implemented | Should be set to 0 |
0x7A | 5-0 | MPGSEL_3 - Page number for bank #2 0x8000-0xBFFF | 0-31 - Page number |
0x7A | 7-6 | Not implemented | Should be set to 0 |
0x7B | 5-0 | MPGSEL_4 - Page number for bank #3 0xC000-0xFFFF | 0-31 - Page number |
0x7B | 7-6 | Not implemented | Should be set to 0 |
Port | Bit # | Function | Value = 0 | Value = 1 |
0x7C | 0 | Memory paging enable | Disable memory paging | Enable memory paging |
- Note: The register is reset to '0' on power-on or reset, which disables the memory paging. When memory paging is disabled the memory page 0 (lower 16 KiB of the Flash ROM) is mapped to all banks.
Port | Bit # | Function | Value |
0x7C | 7-1 | Not implemented | Should be set to 0 |
Connect 3V battery for SRAM backup to this connector.
Important: If the SRAM battery backup is not desired, short J1 with a jumper. Do not leave this connector open.
Pin | Signal Name | Description |
1 | VBAT | Positive terminal - +3V |
2 | GND | Negative terminal - ground |
This connector can be used to program the U4 CPLD
Pin | Signal Name | Description | Pin | Signal Name | Description |
1 | TCK | Test Clock | 2 | GND | Ground |
3 | TDO | Test Data Output | 4 | 5V | 5V Power Supply - Output to JTAG adapter |
5 | TMS | Test Mode Select | 6 | NC | No Connect |
7 | NC | No Connect | 8 | NC | No Connect |
9 | TDI | Test Data Input | 10 | GND | Ground |
Pin | Signal Name | Description | Pin | Signal Name | Description |
J3-1 | A15 | Address A15; Output | J3-41 | p41 | Reserved; Not connected |
J3-2 | A14 | Address A14; Output | J3-42 | /BAI | Bus Acknowledge In; Not connected |
J3-3 | A13 | Address A13; Output | J3-43 | /BAO | Bus Acknowledge Out; Not connected |
J3-4 | A12 | Address A12; Output | J3-44 | p44 | Reserved; Not connected |
J3-5 | A11 | Address A11; Output | J3-45 | p45 | Reserved; Not connected |
J3-6 | A10 | Address A10; Output | J3-46 | p46 | Reserved; Not connected |
J3-7 | A9 | Address A9; Output | J3-47 | p47 | Reserved; Not connected |
J3-8 | A8 | Address A8; Output | J3-48 | p48 | Reserved; Not connected |
J3-9 | A7 | Address A7; Output | J3-49 | A23 | Address A23; Input; Not connected |
J3-10 | A6 | Address A6; Output | J3-50 | A22 | Address A22; Input; Not connected |
J3-11 | A5 | Address A5; Output | J3-51 | A21 | Address A21; Input; Not connected |
J3-12 | A4 | Address A4; Output | J3-52 | A20 | Address A20; Input; Not connected |
J3-13 | A3 | Address A3; Output | J3-53 | A19 | Address A19; Input; Not connected |
J3-14 | A2 | Address A2; Output | J3-54 | A18 | Address A18; Input; Not connected |
J3-15 | A1 | Address A1; Output | J3-55 | A17 | Address A17; Input; Not connected |
J3-16 | A0 | Address A0; Output | J3-56 | A16 | Address A16; Input; Not connected |
J3-17 | GND | Ground | J3-57 | GND | Ground |
J3-18 | VCC | Power Supply - +5V | J3-58 | VCC | Power Supply - +5V |
J3-19 | /M1 | Machine Cycle One; Output | J3-59 | /RFSH | DRAM refresh; Output |
J3-20 | /RESET | Reset; Output | J3-60 | PAGE | Page ROM/RAM input; Not connected |
J3-21 | CLK1 | CPU Clock; Output | J3-61 | CLK2 | UART Clock (programmable); Output |
J3-22 | /INT | Interrupt; Input | J3-62 | /BUSACK | DMA Bus Acknowledge; Output |
J3-23 | /MREQ | Memory Request; Output | J3-63 | /HALT | Halt; Output |
J3-24 | /WR | Write Request; Output | J3-64 | /BUSREQ | DMA Bus Request; Input |
J3-25 | /RD | Read Request; Output | J3-65 | /WAIT | Wait; Input |
J3-26 | /IORQ | Input/Output Request; Output | J3-66 | /NMI | Non-maskable Interrupt; Input |
J3-27 | D0 | Data D0; Input/Output | J3-67 | D8 | Data D8; Input/Output; Not connected |
J3-28 | D1 | Data D1; Input/Output | J3-68 | D9 | Data D9; Input/Output; Not connected |
J3-29 | D2 | Data D2; Input/Output | J3-69 | D10 | Data D10; Input/Output; Not connected |
J3-30 | D3 | Data D3; Input/Output | J3-70 | D11 | Data D11; Input/Output; Not connected |
J3-31 | D4 | Data D4; Input/Output | J3-71 | D12 | Data D12; Input/Output; Not connected |
J3-32 | D5 | Data D5; Input/Output | J3-72 | D13 | Data D13; Input/Output; Not connected |
J3-33 | D6 | Data D6; Input/Output | J3-73 | D14 | Data D14; Input/Output; Not connected |
J3-34 | D7 | Data D7; Input/Output | J3-74 | D15 | Data D15; Input/Output; Not connected |
J3-35 | TX | Channel 1, Transmit Data; Not Connected | J3-75 | TX2 | Channel 2, Transmit Data; Not Connected |
J3-36 | RX | Channel 1, Receive Data; Not Connected | J3-76 | RX2 | Channel 2, Receive Data; Not Connected |
J3-37 | /IRQ1 | Interrupt Request 1; Not connected | J3-77 | /IRQ2 | Interrupt Request 2; Not connected |
J3-38 | IEI | Interrupt Enable In; Not connected | J3-78 | p78 | Reserved; Not connected |
J3-39 | IEO | Interrupt Enable Out; Not connected | J3-79 | p79 | Reserved; Not connected |
J3-40 | USER4 | User Pin 4; Not connected | J3-80 | USER8 | User Pin 8; Not connected |
Mouser projects - all components except of the PCB:
- Z80-512K V2 project - All components except of the PCB, CPU supervisor (optional), and JTAG header (optional).
- Z80-512K V2 - CPU Supervisor project - Components for CPU supervisor (optional).
- Z80-512K V2 - JTAG Header project - Components for JTAG header (optional).
Z80-512K project on Tindie:
Component type | Reference | Description | Quantity | Possible sources and notes |
PCB | Z80-512K PCB - Version 2.0 | 1 | Buy from my Tindie store: Complete kit; Z80-512K PCB, a preprogrammed CPLD and optionally a Flash ROM, or order from a PCB manufacturer of your choice using provided Gerber or KiCad files | |
Integrated Circuit | U1 | Z84C00xxPEG - Z80 CPU, CMOS, 40 pin DIP | 1 | Mouser 692-Z84C0010PEG |
Integrated Circuit | U2 | SST39SF040 - 512 KiB Flash ROM, 32 pin DIP | 1 | Mouser 804-39SF0407CPHE |
Integrated Circuit | U3 | AS6C4008 - 512 KiB SRAM, 32 pin DIP | 1 | Mouser 913-AS6C4008-55PCN |
Integrated Circuit | U4 | ATF1504AS - CPLD, 64 macrocells, 44 pin PLCC | 1 | Mouser 556-AF1504AS10JU44; Possible alternative: Altera EPM7064SLC44-10 |
Integrated Circuit | U5 | ADM693A - Microprocessor Supervisory Circuit | 1 | Mouser 584-ADM693ANZ. Optional: CPU reset, watchdog, and power failure NMI. Possible alternatives: MAX693, LTC693, ADM691, MAX691, LTC691, ADM695, MAX695, LTC965, LTC1235 |
Oscillator | X1 | 7.3728 MHz, CMOS oscillator, half can | 1 | Mouser 774-MXO45HS-3C-7.3 or 520-2200B-073 |
LED | D1 | LED indicator, 3 mm, blue | 1 | Mouser 710-151033BS03000 |
Connector | J1 | 2 pin header with friction lock, right angle | 1 | Mouser 571-6404572. Optional: battery-backed SRAM |
Pin Header | J2 | 2x5 pin header, 2.54 mm pitch, vertical | 1 | Mouser 649-77313-118-10LF. Optional: JTAG header |
Pin Header | J3 | 2x40 pin header, 2.54 mm pitch, right angle | 1 | Mouser 517-5121TG |
Capacitor | C1 | 10 uF, 25V, MLCC, 5 mm pitch | 1 | Mouser 810-FG28X5R1E106MR06 |
Capacitor | C2 - C7 | 0.1 uF, 50V, MLCC, 5 mm pitch | 6 | Mouser 594-K104K15X7RF53H5. Note: C5 is optional, required if U5 installed |
Resistor Array | RN1 | 4.7 kohm, bussed, 9 pin SIP | 1 | Mouser 652-4609X-1LF-4.7K or 652-4609X-AP1-472LF |
Resistor Array | RN2 | 4.7 kohm, bussed, 6 pin SIP | 1 | Mouser 652-4606X-1LF-4.7K or 652-4606X-AP1-472LF |
Resistor | R1 - R5 | 10 kohm, 0.25 W, 1% tolerance, axial | 5 | Mouser 603-MFR-25FRF5210K. Optional: R1 - R4 - JTAG header, R5 - Power failure NMI |
Resistor | R6 | 29.4 kohm, 0.25 W, 1% tolerance, axial | 1 | Mouser 603-MFR-25FBF52-29K4. Optional: Power failure NMI |
Resistor | R7 | 1 kohm, 0.25 W, axial | 1 | Mouser 603-MFR-25FRF521K |
Trimmer Resistor | RV1 | 2 kohm, through hole | 1 | Mouser 652-3362W-1-202LF. Optional: Power failure NMI |
IC Socket | U1 | 40 pin DIP | 1 | Mouser 517-4840-6000-CP |
IC Socket | U2, U3 | 32 pin DIP | 2 | Mouser 517-4832-6000-CP |
IC Socket | U4 | 44 pin PLCC, through hole | 1 | Mouser 517-8444-11B1-RK-TP |
IC Socket | U5 | 16 pin DIP | 1 | Mouser 517-4816-3000-CP. Optional: CPU reset, watchdog, and power failure NMI. Install two wire jumpers as indicated on the PCB if U5 is not used. |
Oscillator Socket | X1 | 4 pin DIP, Half Can | 1 | Mouser 535-1108800 |
Jumper | J1 | Shunt, 2 pin 2.54 mm pitch | 1 | Mouser 806-SX1100-B. Optional: install if battery is not used, but U5 is installed |
Connector Contacts | J1 | Connector contact | 2 | Mouser 571-14453361. Optional: connector for battery enclosure, install for battery-backed SRAM |
Connector Housing | J1 | 2 pin housing, 2.54 mm pitch | 1 | Mouser 571-13758202. Optional: connector for battery enclosure, install for battery-backed SRAM |
Battery holder | J1 | 2xAAA battery enclosure with switch | 1 | Mouser 12BH421/CS-GR. Optional: battery enclosure, install for battery-backed SRAM |
Z80-512K uses Atmel ATF1504AS or Intel*/Altera* EPM7064STC44 CPLD (U4) CPLD for memory pager and varous other logic. Atmel CPLD fuse map, Altera CPLD fuse map, and the CPLD source code are provided in CPLD directory of this repository. Use ATMISP software to program Atmel CPLD. Use free Altera Quartus II 13.0sp1 Web Edition to program Altera CPLD. Newer Quartus versions do not support Altera MAX7000 CPLDs.
Version 2.0:
- Update form factor from RC2014* compatible to RCBus
- Move the battery connector to the edge of the board
- Make U5, CPU Supervisor IC, optional. Add information on the silkscreen for the configuration without U5
Version 1.2
- Add CPU LED back. Use WDOG signal to control the LED
Version 1.1
- Add CPLD STATUS register read back capability
- Remove LEDs
- Improve PCB routing: use wider traces where possible, better ground fill
- Add signal names on the bottom silk screen
Version 1.0
- Initial version
Version 1.1
- No diagnostic LEDs
- Workaround: Connect an external LED in series with 1 kohm resistor between U5 pin 11 (WDOG signal) and VCC signal.
- No diagnostic LEDs
Version 1.0
- No CPLD STATUS register read back
- Workaround: Program CPLD with the version 1.1 fuse map. Cut LED_OUT trace at D2 LED (negative terminal), connect U4 pin 36 to U1 pin 21 (RD signal) with a piece of wire. If diagnostic LED is needed, connect negative terminal of the LED to U5 pin 11 (WDOG signal)
- No CPLD STATUS register read back
- Consider using JST connector for the battery
- Lower profile than TE latchable connector
- Ready-made battery holders with JST connectors, such as Adafruit 4191 can be used
- Add RCBUs logo
Z80-512K is an open source hardware project certified by Open Source Hardware Association, certification UID is US001061. The hardware design itself, including schematic and PCB layout design files are licensed under the strongly-reciprocal variant of CERN Open Hardware Licence version 2. The CPLD VHDL code is licensed under GNU General Public License v3. Documentation, including this file, is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
- "RC2014" is a registered trademark of RFC2795 Ltd.
- Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.