i've been working with Hybris that is a SAP Product for e-commerces,
that being said, this product generates his Pojo classes without common classes attributes:
`public class DeliveryHandlingModel extends ItemModel{
public final static String _TYPECODE = "DeliveryHandling";
public static final String DELIVERYCOST = "deliveryCost";
public static final String DELIVERYDAYS = "deliveryDays";
public DeliveryHandlingModel()
public DeliveryHandlingModel(final ItemModelContext ctx)
public DeliveryHandlingModel(final ItemModel _owner)
@Accessor(qualifier = "deliveryCost", type = Accessor.Type.GETTER)
public BigDecimal getDeliveryCost()
return getPersistenceContext().getPropertyValue(DELIVERYCOST);
@Accessor(qualifier = "deliveryDays", type = Accessor.Type.GETTER)
public Integer getDeliveryDays()
return getPersistenceContext().getPropertyValue(DELIVERYDAYS);
Given the example above the Hybris generates all pojo classes on XML Based configuration, given that there are no common attribute acessors to get and set the fields, the Getter and the Setter uses 'getPersistenceContext().setPropertyValue' to persist into his own customized persistence layer.
All that being said there are no solutions to work with fixtures in Hybris SAP, so i'm proposing to RelectionUtils#invokeSetter to use getter/setter as well with attibutes