This is the ROS project folder for the AuE8230 course.
All the videos are in the corresponding package folder.
- Prerequisite
- Assignment1b
- Assignment1c
- Assignment2B
- Assignment3A
You need to change the right IP address in the ".bashrc" file and run the 'catkin_make' and 'source devel/setup.bash'
Assignment1b is created by Siqi Zheng. For the Assignment1b, it is in the package assignment1b folder under the directory: '~/catkin_ws/src/assignment1b'
To run the package and start the node, using the following three commands for the three tasks in the "catkin_ws" path:
roslaunch assignment1b circle.launch
roslaunch assignment1b square_openloop.launch
roslaunch assignment1b square_closedloop.launch
Assignment1c is created by the group4. For the Assignment1c, it is in the package assignment1c folder under the directory '~/catkin_ws/src/assignment1c'
To run the package and start the node, using the following three commands for the three tasks in the "catkin_ws" path:
roslaunch assignment1c circle_fast.launch
roslaunch assignment1c circle_medium.launch
roslaunch assignment1c circle_slow.launch
roslaunch assignment1c square_fast.launch
roslaunch assignment1c square_medium.launch
roslaunch assignment1c square_slow.launch
roslaunch assignment1c move.launch code:=square
roslaunch assignment1c move.launch code:=circle
Assignment2B is created by the group4. For the Assignment2B, a more detailed readme file is in its package folder.
Assignment3A is created by the group4. For the Assignment3A, a more detailed readme file is in its package folder.