Adds useful debug features to your Electron app
Toggle DevTools.
- macOS: Cmd Alt I or F12
- Linux: Ctrl Shift I or F12
- Windows: Ctrl Shift I or F12
Force reload the window.
- macOS: Cmd R or F5
- Linux: Ctrl R or F5
- Windows: Ctrl R or F5
Open DevTools and focus the Element Inspector tool.
- macOS: Cmd Shift C
- Linux: Ctrl Shift C
- Windows: Ctrl Shift C
Just install any of these extension and they'll be activated for you:
- devtron - The official Electron DevTools extension
- electron-react-devtools - React DevTools extension for Electron
$ npm install electron-debug
Requires Electron 2.0.0 or later.
const {app, BrowserWindow} = require('electron');
const debug = require('electron-debug');
let win;
(async () => {
await app.whenReady();
win = new BrowserWindow();
Only runs when in development, unless overridden by the enabled
option. So no need to guard it for production.
Install keyboard shortcuts and optionally activate DevTools on each created BrowserWindow
Type: Object
Type: boolean
Type: boolean
Default: true
Show DevTools on each created BrowserWindow
Type: string
Default: undocked
Values: undocked
The dock state to open DevTools in.
Toggle DevTools for the specified BrowserWindow
instance or the focused one.
Type: BrowserWindow
Default: The focused BrowserWindow
Reload the specified BrowserWindow
instance or the focused one.
Type: BrowserWindow
Default: The focused BrowserWindow
Open DevTools for the specified BrowserWindow
instance or the focused one.
Type: BrowserWindow
Default: The focused BrowserWindow
- electron-util - Useful utilities for developing Electron apps and modules
- electron-store - Save and load data like user preferences, app state, cache, etc
- electron-context-menu - Context menu for your Electron app
- electron-dl - Simplified file downloads for your Electron app
- electron-unhandled - Catch unhandled errors and promise rejections in your Electron app
- electron-reloader - Simple auto-reloading for Electron apps during development
- electron-serve - Static file serving for Electron apps
- debug-menu - Chrome-like debug context-menu for Electron
MIT © Sindre Sorhus