Restful apis for a system that show user a list of books and recommended books by user rating, and similar books (in this project tried to use raw sql instead ORM)
in this project we use Postgresql (vector support) for database, and celery for async operations and run tasks in Rabbitmq. sure you installed them in local machine or use dockerize images.
for run postgresql in docker:
docker run --name postgresDB --env POSTGRES_PASSWORD=admin --env POSTGRES_DB=postgres --env POSTGRES_USER=postgres --env POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD=trust --publish 5432:5432 --detach ankane/pgvector
for run rabbitmq (celery use it, also you can use redis):
docker run -d -p 5672:5672 rabbitmq
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd recommended-books-system
Install dependencies
pip install requirements.txt
migrate and fill database
python migrate
python setup_db
Start the Celery
celery -A core worker --loglevel=info
Vectoring all books in db
python vectorize_books
Start the Server
python runserver
- make sure active a virtual environment before install dependencies.
Server: Python, Django, RestFramework. Swagger. Celery, Clip, Torch
Contributions are always welcome! You can ask me about this project by email