nuTTS Public
nuTTS fetches text-to-speech audio from a few free services. By default, the resulting audio is returned in base64 encoded format wrapped in JSON. TTS audio can also be played using phiola.
Discord-AppImage Public
AppImage builds for Discord Stable, Discord PTB, and Discord Canary
smogon-dump Public
JSON dumps of Smogon's Pokemon data; abilities, formats, items, moves, natures, pokemon, and types.
Discord-Linux-Client-Issues Public
A list of common issues with the Discord client on Linux and a bit of info on how to troubleshoot them.
zow Public
zypper OBS wrapper written in Tcl; a rewrite of zyp
troubleshooter Public
Collects useful information from the host system (hardware, logs, etc) for troubleshooting Linux issues
FreeTube Public
Forked from FreeTubeApp/FreeTubeAn Open Source YouTube app for privacy
node-binary-manager Public
A crude and relatively untested script for installing and managing nodejs binary installs from https://nodejs.org
.zshrc Public
An easy to configure .zshrc with 256 color support, github status, program exit status, directory truncation, and sane defaults.
deb2appimage Public
Build AppImages from deb packages on any distro with simple json configuration
sb-adblock-hosts Public
A script that downloads Steven Black's hosts file (https://github.com/StevenBlack/hosts) configured for adblock and keeps it up to date
zyp Public
A simple wrapper of zypper and osc that allows for searching and installing of packages from openSUSE Build Service repos
burl Public
A simple script that makes 'openssl' and bash's '/dev/tcp' easier to use
twitch-wrapper Public
An Electron wrapper for Twitch.tv for Linux with FrankerFaceZ and FFZAP added in. Created using nativefier.
wrapt Public
A simple wrapper for apt that brings all useful apt commands into one easy to use script
easyrp-gui Public
A GUI for controlling EasyRP (https://github.com/Pizzabelly/EasyRP) for Discord RPC for use on Linux.
wmctrl-rpc Public
A wrapper for EasyRP (https://github.com/Pizzabelly/EasyRP) that tracks window titles using wmctrl for Discord RPC for use on Linux
mpris-rpc Public
A wrapper for EasyRP (https://github.com/Pizzabelly/EasyRP) that tracks MPRIS playing status for Discord RPC for use on Linux.
Shell MIT License UpdatedMay 25, 2019 -
dotfiles Public
simonizor's dotfiles organized using sdfm.sh
software-o-o Public
Forked from openSUSE/software-o-oThe site behind software.opensuse.org. It is the default web interface to download openSUSE distribution and to search for OBS packages.Packages at https://build.opensuse.org/project/show/openSUSE:…
HTML UpdatedApr 8, 2019 -
discord-rss-bot Public
A simple bash script that posts RSS feeds to Discord webhooks
wireless-info Public
Forked from UbuntuForums/wireless-infoThis script gathers the infos necessary for troubleshooting a wireless connection and saves them in a text file, wrapping it in an archive if it exceeds the 19.5 kB size limit for '.txt' attachment…
Shell UpdatedJan 2, 2019 -
yadshot Public
yadshot provides a GUI frontend for taking screenshots, uploading screenshots, uploading files and uploading pastes.
spm Public
spm is a simple commandline package manager written in bash