UberTagger is an desktop application for exploratory analysis of sequntial data that combines annotation and visual analytics, assisted by a recommender system. UberTagger is designed to help researchers explore large datasets of sequantial data such as interface micro-interactions, sensor data, simulation results, health data, and more. We implement a novel tagging system to support the data transformations specified in the principles of Exploratory Sequential Data Analysis. Tags can label different media types (e.g., subsets of a time-series or cells in a table) but exist in a common searchable environment. This approach further supports meta-tags, tag structures and hierarchies, and meta-analysis of the annotation process. This unique tagging approach, for data analysis, annotation, and algorithms, can help with the detection and design of micro-interactions for hypothesis generation.
For more infomation see these publications:
- npm install -g nw-gyp
- npm install
- npm update --save in the mongoose folder
- Rebuld mongoose\mongodb\kerberos,bson:
- cd to dirs with binding.gyp
- nw-gyp rebuild --target=0.10.5 --msvs_version=2012
- repeat for each
- bower install
- git clone https://github.com/geo8bit/nodebob.git nodebob
- gulp build
- gulp
- in package.json set "env" to "dev" or "prod" to control if source is uglified or not, and set "window.toolbar" to true or false to show or hide the debug toolbar
- To add a new bower package and add to the bower.json file call
bower install --save <package name>
- To add a new node package and add to the package.json file call
npm install <package name> --save
ornpm install <package name> --save-dev
depending which list of packages it should be added to, dev is used only for local development
See example datasets for examples of the configurations
- Working:
- dataset-hotel-simulation
- dataset-user-interactions-mimic
- In-progress:
- dataset-user-interactions-mammography
- dataset-health-monitoring
- dataset-building-sensors
- dataset-business-transactions
Here are some basic points:
- Dataset has to include package.json
- package.json needs to include an object called "uber-tagger",
- The dataset needs be imported into MongoDB or tingoDB
- The dataset needs to define a schema based on Mongoose Schema rules.
- Some meta fields to make sure to use:
- Required:
- id
- field
- name
- dtype: uint8, uint16, uint32, int8, int16, int32, float32, float64, boolean, string, timeseries, object
- Required for timeseries only
-time-scale: ms, s (currently not used, assuems ms)
- time-dtype
- display-dtype
- series-dtype
- series-units
- filter: interp, hist
- Required:
- Some meta fields to make sure to use:
- node-webkit
- nodebob
- Node.js
- Gulp
- NPM: Package Manager for nodejs packages
- Bower: Package Manager for client side javascript libraries
- MongoDB
- tingoDB
- mongoosejs
- tungus