CSV reader/writer to/from Clojure data structures.
Follows the RFC4180 specification but is more relaxed.
Latest stable release: 0.1.4
Leiningen dependency information:
[org.clojure/data.csv "0.1.4"]
Maven dependency information:
(require '[clojure.data.csv :as csv]
'[clojure.java.io :as io])
(with-open [reader (io/reader "in-file.csv")]
(csv/read-csv reader)))
(with-open [writer (io/writer "out-file.csv")]
(csv/write-csv writer
[["abc" "def"]
["ghi" "jkl"]]))
Refer to the API documentation for additional information.
This library is meant to remain small and focus on nothing but correctly parsing csv files. The following sections describes how to effectively use data.csv as a building block in larger programs as well as some hints on how to solve common problems.
When parsing a csv file with data.csv the result is a lazy sequence of vectors of strings. With some care, laziness makes it possible to process very large csv files without excessive memory use. Here's an example of a program that copies one csv file to another but drops the first and last columns:
(defn copy-csv [from to]
(with-open [reader (io/reader from)
writer (io/writer to)]
(->> (read-csv reader)
(map #(rest (butlast %)))
(write-csv writer))))
This function will work even if the csv file is larger than would fit in memory because all the steps are lazy.
There are a few things to look out for when dealing with lazy
sequences. Espacially with data.csv where the sequence is often created via a
that could already be closed when the lazy sequence is
consumed. For example
(defn read-column [filename column-index]
(with-open [reader (io/reader filename)]
(let [data (read-csv reader)]
(map #(nth % column-index) data))))
(defn sum-second-column [filename]
(->> (read-column filename 1)
(drop 1) ;; Drop header column
(map #(Double/parseDouble %))
(reduce + 0)))
This program will throw the exception "java.io.Exception
: Stream Closed". The
reason is that both read-csv
and map
are lazy, so read-column
immeditaly return a sequence without actually reading any bytes from the
file. The reading (and parsing) will happen when data is needed by the calling
code (reduce
in this case). By the time reduce
tries to add the first value
will already have closed the io/reader
and the exception is
There are two solutions to this problem:
- Move the opening/closing of the reader up the callstack to the point where the content is consumed:
(defn read-column [reader column-index]
(let [data (read-csv reader)]
(map #(nth % column-index) data)))
(defn sum-second-column [filename]
(with-open [reader (io/reader filename)]
(->> (read-column reader 1)
(drop 1)
(map #(Double/parseDouble %))
(reduce + 0))))
- Don't return a lazy sequence
(defn read-column [filename column-index]
(with-open [reader (io/reader filename)]
(let [data (read-csv reader)]
;; mapv is not lazy, so the csv data will be consumed at this point
(mapv #(nth % column-index) data))))
(defn sum-second-column [filename]
(->> (read-column filename 1)
(drop 1)
(map #(Double/parseDouble %))
(reduce + 0)))
Which approach to choose depends on the application. If the csv file isn't huge the second approach will often work well. If you want to be careful not to read the csv file into memory the first approach is preferable.
Data.csv parses lines of a csv file into a vector of strings. This is often not the desired output where you might want the result to be a sequence of maps instead, such as
({:foo "A"
:bar "2"
:baz "x"}
{:foo "B"
:bar "2"
:baz "y"}
{:foo "C"
:bar "3"
:baz "z"})
One fairly elegant way to achieve this is the expression
(defn csv-data->maps [csv-data]
(map zipmap
(->> (first csv-data) ;; First row is the header
(map keyword) ;; Drop if you want string keys instead
(rest csv-data)))
(csv-data->maps (read-csv reader))
This function is lazy so all the options described in the previous section is still valid. Now that the data is in a nice format it's easy to do any desired post-processing:
(->> (read-csv reader)
(map (fn [csv-record]
(update csv-record :bar #(Long/parseLong %)))))
({:foo "A"
:bar 1
:baz "x"}
{:foo "B"
:bar 2
:baz "y"}
{:foo "C"
:bar 3
:baz "z"})
A byte order mark (BOM) is a
byte sequence that appears as the first couple of bytes in some CSV files (and
other text files). Data.csv will not automatically remove these extra bytes so
they can accidentally be interpreted as part of the first cells characters. If
you want to avoid this you can either try to manually detect it by looking at
the first byte(s) and calling (.skip reader 1)
before you pass the reader to
Another option is to create the reader in such a way that the BOM will be
automatically removed. One way to achieve this is to use
(with-open [reader (-> "data.csv"
(doall (read-csv reader)))
Release 0.1.4 on 2017-04-05
- DCSV-16 Resolve some reflection warnings
Release 0.1.3 on 2015-08-10
- DCSV-4 Allow carriage return by itself as a record separator
Release 0.1.2 on 2012-02-24
- Fixed keyword params for
- Fixed keyword params for
Release 0.1.1 on 2012-02-14
- Added quote? keyword param to write-csv
- Code cleanup
Release 0.1.0 on 2011-08-26
- Initial release.
Copyright (c) Jonas Enlund, 2012. All rights reserved. The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse Public License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php) which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this license. You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.