Lists (2)
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How to approach accessible web interface design
k-vyn / coloralgorithm
Forked from lyft/coloralgorithmJavaScript function to produce color sets
List of awesome CSS frameworks in 2025
A monorepo of Block Experiments
Versatile and extensible page transition library for server-rendered websites 🎉
A collection of code snippets to enhance or expand on the free Give WordPress Donation Plugin.
The Block Editor project for WordPress and beyond. Plugin is available from the official repository.
WP Feature Notifications - a proposal to modernise the way in which WordPress handles emails, admin notices and user notifications
A collection of Editor curation examples for WordPress.
SwissGL is a minimalistic wrapper on top of WebGL2 JS API. It's designed to reduce the amount of boilerplate code required to manage GLSL shaders, textures and framebuffers when making procedural v…
Components from the YouTube show GUI Challenges: accessible, responsive, adaptive and cross browser components.
[alpha] A web development environment for creative coding
soimy / msdf-bmfont-xml
Forked from Experience-Monks/msdf-bmfontGenerate BMFont texture and spec XML using msdfgen
Utility classes for Text rendering in Three.js using Bitmap fonts and MSDF (multi-channel signed distance fields).
pmndrs / cannon-es
Forked from schteppe/cannon.js💣 A lightweight 3D physics engine written in JavaScript.
GLSL rotation functions with matrices: 2D and 3D (with X/Y/Z convenience functions) available both as ES modules strings and as GLSL files for use with glslify.
Generate BMFont texture and spec using msdfgen
DEPRECATED jQuery Responsive Carousel.