A simple Akka Stream extension for Kafka integration
.mapValue(value => f(value))
as4k is a simple Akka Stream extension that aims to simplify the integration with Kafka to create streams from a consumer or produce stream to a topic.
as4k provides some simple classes to consume messages from a Kafka topic (KafkaConsumerAgent
) and to produce messages to a topic (KafkaSimpleProducerAgent
and KafkaTransactionalProducerAgent
In addition it provides some utilities to create Akka Streams Source
from KafkaConsumerAgent
and Sink
from a KafkaSimpleProducerAgent
(or KafkaTransactionalProducerAgent
A KafkaConsumerAgent
wrap a Kafka consumer and allow to perform the following operation:
- Polling for new messages
- Committing a message or a sequence of messages
To create a KafkaConsumerAgent
you first need to define its behaviour with a KafkaConsumerOption
that allow to specify:
- the list of topics to subscribe
- the polling timeout
- a complete set of consumer configuration as defined in the official Kafka documentation
- the dispatcher used by the
(optional) - key and value deserializer (optional, override config setting)
NOTE: the config name should be separated by -
KafkaProducerAgent comes in two flavour: KafkaSimpleProducerAgent
and KafkaTransactionalProducerAgent
The first one represent a normal Kafka producer and allow to produce a single messages on a topic.
The second one, instead, represent a Kafka transactional producer and expose methods to:
- Produce a sequence of messages in transaction
- Produce and commit in transaction a single message or a sequence of messages
To create a KafkaProducerAgent you first need to define its behaviour with a KafkaProducerOption
that allow to specify:
- the topic to produce
- a complete set of producer configuration as defined in the official Kafka documentation
- the dispatcher used by the KafkaProducerAgent (optional)
- key and value serializer (optional, override config setting)
NOTE1: the config name should be separated by dash (-
) NOT dot (.
NOTE2: To define a KafkaTransactionalProducerAgent
the property transactional-id
is mandatory.
allow to create an Akka Source from a KafkaConsumerAgent
The resulting source will be a Source[KRecord[K,V], Any]
where KRecord represent a message with key of type K
and value of type V
In addition it extends the common methods of Akka Source and add some utility to transform and work with a stream of KRecord
(or Seq[KRecord]
- commit
- map value of the message without changing the key
- produce messages
- produce and commit messages in transaction (exactly once semantic)
provide some Akka Sink to work with Krecord
(or Seq[KRecord]
) stream, in particular:
- A producer Sink
- A produce and commit in transaction Sink (exactly once semantic)
my-consumer {
consumer-setting {
client-id = "as4k"
bootstrap-servers = "kafkabroker:9092"
group-id = "as4k_example"
auto-offset-reset = "earliest"
enable-auto-commit = false
key-deserializer = "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer"
value-deserializer = "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.LongDeserializer"
my-simple-producer {
producer-setting {
bootstrap-servers = "kafkabroker:9092"
acks = "all"
batch-size = 16384
linger-ms = 1
buffer-memory = 33554432
key-serializer = "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer"
value-serializer = "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer"
Scala code:
import org.simoexpo.as4k.{KSource, KSink}
import org.simoexpo.as4k.KSource._
import org.simoexpo.as4k.consumer.{KafkaConsumerAgent, KafkaConsumerOption}
import org.simoexpo.as4k.producer.{KafkaSimpleProducerAgent, KafkaProducerOption}
val kafkaConsumerOption: KafkaConsumerOption[String, Long] = KafkaConsumerOption(Seq("in-topic"), "my-consumer")
val kafkaSimpleProducerOption: KafkaProducerOption[String, String] = KafkaProducerOption("out-topic", "my-simple-producer")
val kafkaConsumerAgent: KafkaConsumerAgent[String, Long] = new KafkaConsumerAgent(kafkaConsumerOption)
val kafkaProducerAgent: KafkaSimpleProducerAgent[String, String] = new KafkaSimpleProducerAgent(kafkaSimpleProducerOption)
def f: Long => String = ???
.mapValue(value => f(value))