This is a flipper app that counts how much you move in your sleep. Shoutout to MatthewKuKanich he is the one who made the original app for this Radar module. I took his code and just heavily modified it to be a sleep counter so that I can set this up on my flipper, place it near my bed, and when I go to sleep have it count how much I move around. The fap application is in the dist folder.
Tolerance is super tight but the chip fits fairly perfectly in the holder for me. The RCWL-0516 holder fits perfectly into the radar Dish although it is a bit of a friction fit. If you have problems I'd recommend sizing the holder up by 1% and the Radar Dish up by 2% in your slicer. Additionally, after printing this out I covered the radar dish in foil up to around halfway and it allowed me to properly make this directional. While still receiving a sensitive enough range.